
JAKARTA - The name Anwar Usman made netizens curious about his figure after proposing to Idayati. The younger brother of President Joko Widodo is planned to be married in May.

One of the Chief Justices of the Constitutional Court can be said to be multi-talented. Because at his youth, Anwar had been a teacher and a film player. Quoted from, during his time as a student between 1977-1984, Anwar Usman was active in theater under the tutelage of Ismail Soebardjo, the country's senior director.

Not only busy studying and teaching, Anwar Usman was listed as a member of the Literacy Studio. He was also invited to compete in a play with a film starring Nungki Kusumastuti, Frans Plants, and Rini S Bono by director Ismail Soebardjo in 1980.

Even though he got a small role, Anwar usman felt proud to be the subordinate of a director as great as Ismail Soebardjo. The film, entitled Perempuan in Pasungan, won the Best Film and won the 1981 Citra Cup.

However, Anwar Usman's involvement in the theater world has drawn criticism from his parents in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

Moreover, there is a scene when he is walking alone with a woman in Cikini Market. The whole village was excited, until his father scolded him.

"Whereas in the film, I was just a cheerleader."

"When my father found out, I was scolded. He said, 'He said he went to Jakarta to study, this is actually playing a movie'," said Anwar Usman.

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