
JAKARTA - Online Cinema streaming platform will present the film Jakarta vs Everybody by director Ertanto Robby Soediskam. This film tells the other side of Jakarta from the perspective of an overseas child, played by Jefri Nichol.

"This project was before the pandemic, right. After two years, it's finally airing. I'm really happy that finally Jakarta vs Everybody is showing in Online Cinemas because this is a local OTT and it's not subject to censorship," said Wulan Guritno at a virtual press conference on Friday, March 18.

The shooting process for Jakarta vs Everybody was short, i.e. 13 days. Jefri Nichol as the main character also participated in writing the script.

“Initially, Mas Robby was invited to write together and then chat with each other. So we continue to ask, then we brainstorm and continue so the script continues to look for players," said Jefri Nichol.

“This genre is a social reality so it can be described as realistically as possible. Friends, you can see the corners of Jakarta, especially the lowest drug dealing, how they package the operational distribution, it's gonna be interesting,” said Wulan Guritno.

This film features intimate scenes by players including Wulan Guritno and Jefri Nichol. They also tried to photograph the dark side of Jakarta through the story of Jakarta vs Everybody.

“There is an intimate scene with Nichol and Bimo. Yes, maybe Bimo is younger than me but not much younger," said Wulan Guritno.

"But Nichol is the same age as my first child. So before going into the story, we approach Nichol," he continued.

Ganindra Bimo also felt a change because he had to gain weight to suit Radit's character.

"I want to be a drug dealer who is different from the stereotype, so I gain weight from 80 to 90. It's fun that I can eat anything because I have to stay in shape for the character," said Ganindra Bimo.

Jakarta vs Everybody tells the story of Dom (Jefri Nichol) who dreams of becoming an actor. But he faces difficulties until he meets Pingkan (Wulan Guritno) and Radit (Ganindra Bimo), a couple who have a hidden business.

Meanwhile, the film Jakarta vs Everybody can be watched in limited online cinemas starting Saturday, March 19 for Rp. 30,000

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