
JAKARTA - Mawar AFI was determined to stop talking about her household, but this time, her mother - Shanty Rosalinda, also revealed that there were several things that had happened to her child. So far, the mother admitted that she never knew about the conflict between Steno Ricardo and her son.

There are six facts that Shanty Rosalinda shared about her child's household with Steno Ricardo:

Don't Give a Live

Shanty said Mawar never made a living from Steno Ricardo. The ex-husband is not known the origin of his work and income.

"Rose never told the slightest of his household problems. Whether the man works, the man doesn't work, where does he eat from? Only those who know, Mawar has no savings, "explained Shanty Rosalinda.

Not Fine

Steno Ricardo and Mawar's household had been going on for nine years but it turned out that the marriage was not going well.

"And what surprised me was, for nine years, Mawar hid her heartache, pain, fatigue, abuse, wasted, and didn't even provide for it," said Shanty.

Susi to Steno's Room

Even though he said he didn't know, Shanty had seen Susi about to enter Steno and Mawar's room. At that time, Susi intended to clean her employer's room, but Shanty Rosalinda refused.

"No, father is still sleeping. My father-in-law never wants to go into my son's room when my son is sleeping. Except for my daughter, that's my son-in-law, no," said Shanty.


Susi, who heard Shanty's warning, refused, arguing that Steno could change his bed if he knew someone was cleaning his room.

Shanty also warns Susi not to enter her employer's room.

"No, it's not polite, bro, please don't, I said so," said Shanty. Susi even replied with satire to Shanty. Now, Susi is no longer working with Mawar AFI and is married to Mawar's ex-husband, Steno Ricardo.

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