
JAKARTA - Raffi Ahmad was rushed to the hospital moments after carrying his first child, Rafathar Malik Ahmad. Through his latest video, Raffi Ahmad shared the moment when he returned home. He let go of longing by carrying Rafathar but it turned out that he was complaining of pain in the waist.

"It seems that yesterday I haven't been carrying heavy weights for a long time, then I lift Rafathar, Rafathar is already getting bigger, so this ken is short.

In an instant, his wife, Nagita Slavina, immediately contacted the doctor who treated Raffi Ahmad. He and his driver went to the hospital for treatment.

Apparently, Raffi Ahmad had a pinched nerve. The MRI results at the hospital showed that there was pressure on the nerves.

"I've seen the MRI earlier. This is Raffi's nerves, there are indeed protruding pads. This is what presses on Raffi's nerves, so it's these pads that make pain," said the doctor.

Luckily, the doctor immediately took care of Raffi Ahmad so that that day he could go home without being hospitalized.

"I suggest staying at home carefully because the wound is on the edge of the nerve," said the doctor.

The doctor also advised Raffi Ahmad not to move outside for a while until his condition had fully recovered.

"My advice for the next few days is not to go out first, (bed rest) for a few days until the wound heals," said the doctor, confirmed by Raffi Ahmad.

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