
JAKARTA – Tickle makes laughter break out, but sometimes people feel uncomfortable when they receive a tickle. The reason is, because someone is tickled, they can laugh until they wet themselves. But there are also parents who believe that tickling a newborn is to get the baby laughing. Even in the sexual aspect, the experience of tickling sensations is done to increase the arousal to the peak of pleasure.

According to Samuel SH Wang, Ph.D., professor of molecular biology and neuroscience at Princeton University, nerve endings in the skin send messages to the brain. Reported by Everyday Health, Wednesday, March 16, messages from skin nerve endings reach the cerebellum, precisely in the area that regulates the initiation of movement. Unexpected touch, activates the cerebellum, said Wang. As a result of this touch, the body produces a tickling sensation.

On the plus side, the tingling sensation can tie the knot. Chales Darwin, in the late 19th century noted that tickling was a mechanism of social bonding. Meanwhile, according to Robert R. Provine, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, says that tickle action-reaction is a give-and-take episode that may be the basis of social play.

The tingling sensation is like itching, says Provine. This type of tickling can protect us by drawing attention to external stimuli. This type is called knismesis. Although it rarely produces laughter, it is a reaction experienced by humans and animals. For example, a horse may swing its tail in response to a nuisance fly.

Uniquely, one cannot tickle oneself. Because you can't shock your own brain.

“Somewhere in your brain, a prediction is made about the sensation your hand will produce, and that prediction emphasizes the tickle response,” explains Wang.

A study reports that there are special points on the body, which are universal, and sensitive to tickling. The areas of the body that are vulnerable are usually the most ticklish. This includes the external ear canal, genital area, and breasts. Based on a study report in American Scientist, the armpits to the waist and soles of the feet are also sensitive to touch.

As you age, your response to tickling will also change. This is due to hormonal changes that can make a person less likely to be tickled.

In a study conducted by Provine, the tingling sensation was slightly less pleasant for women than men. Nearly twice as many women as men rated tickling as an unpleasant activity. According to the assumptions in the Provine study, this could be due to bad experiences with non-consensual or non-reciprocal sexual touch.

From the Provine study, it means that we can learn that tickling in an adult context requires agreement, approval, and an environment that is considered safe for both parties, giving and receiving.

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