
JAKARTA - Chef Renatta Moeloek is known as a person who is firm and quite bitchy. Being a Master Chef judge together with Chef Juna and Chef Arnold, Renatta has a beauty charm that makes men amazed.

In addition to her beautiful face, her confident appearance with tattoos on her body makes her even more charming. Renatta did not hesitate to wear a tank top that showed the tattoos on his body.

Renatta has many tattoos that are quite eye-catching. The tattoo is on his back. Close to the left arm.

In Arnold Poernomo's YouTube video, netizens' curiosity about the meaning of the tattoo was finally answered. The tattoos on Chef Renatta's body turned out to be themed on food ingredients, from cabbage to kecombrang.

"That's cabbage, if you cut it in half like this, then there's a kecombrang at the bottom," said Chef Renatta, pointing to his back.

"Then there is mustard (leaf), here is sea urchin, bayleaf, Coriander, yes, all of them are supermarket ingredients," explained Chef Renatta.

Chef Renatta also explained the tattoo on the shoulder, as well as the upper right arm. "It has sea urchins, bay leaf, coriander, yes, they are all supermarket ingredients," explained Renatta.

Chef Arnold praised Chef Renatta's tattoos as neater than Chef Juna's. "Oh, it's a mess, hers (Chef Juna) is already a mess. If it's this one, people are asking what flower it is," asked Chef Arnold again.

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