
JAKARTA – How to dress in a community group symbolizes wisdom. The reason is, the unification of the strands of thread is not necessarily arranged just like that.

In West Nusa Tenggara, the area which includes two islands, namely Lombok and Sumbawa, with various ethnic groups, has a philosophy of dress code based on customary rules. Traditional clothing from various tribes in NTB, here's what you must know.

1. Rimpu Traditional Clothing

Rimpu is the traditional clothing of the Dompu tribe. These clothes are specifically worn by women and are distinguished by their function and status in social life. For married women, she wears Rimpu Colo. Meanwhile, those who are not married are called Rimpu Mpida.

Rimpu is a typical Dompu hijab consisting of two pieces of sarong. This traditional clothing is philosophically understood as a cloth to protect oneself, be respected by others, and cover aurat.

pakaian adat ntb dari berbagai suku yang wajib diketahui
Illustration of the traditional clothes of NTB, Rimpu Colo and Rimpu Mbida (Instagram/@lasembo)
2. Ketente Tembe's Traditional Clothing

The traditional clothes worn by Dompu tribe men are called Ketente Tembe. These clothes are usually worn to the fields. The form of shorts is made of cloth. Apart from Ketente Tembe, in daily life the Dompu tribe men wear koko clothes.

3. Gastric Traditional Clothing

Kebaya made of woven is called Lambung. Traditional clothing in NTB that must be known is the type of kebaya along the waist with loose short sleeves. What makes this outfit unique is that the base color is black with a 'V' cut collar.

For subordinates, the traditional clothing of the stomach is wearing a sarong. The majority of the motifs depict flora. Anteng belt is used to tie the sarong. Well, accessories in the form of round earrings. Made from palm leaves with silver plating. Lambung traditional clothing from the Sasak tribe complete with wrist and ankle bracelets.

pakaian adat ntb dari berbagai suku yang wajib diketahui
Illustration of traditional clothing in Lambung, NTB (Instagram/@steven.alexandre)
4. Pegon Traditional Clothing

Pegon traditional clothes are worn by Sasak men. In the upper part, this outfit is influenced by Javanese culture and European fashion styles. The bottom, wrapped in songket cloth or known as Leang or Dodot, complete with a kris inserted. The bottom is also covered with Wiron cloth. The length is up to the ankles.

The wrapped fabric has a mixed motif. The philosophy of the traditional clothing of West Nusa Tenggara from the Sasak tribe, especially the Wiron section, symbolizes humility. The head covering or called Sapuq means respect to God the Creator and keeping the mind clean.

5. Poro Traditional Clothing

The next traditional clothes tend to be dark in color and not patterned. Black, dark blue, dark brown, and purple are worn for mothers. Well, for bright colors, especially red is used for girls. While the yellow and green colors were worn by noble women.

Poro's subordinate, wears a Palekat sarong with a striped or checkered motif. Worn along the ankles and equipped with accessories such as bracelets and earrings.

pakaian adat ntb dari berbagai suku yang wajib diketahui
Illustration of NTB traditional clothes, Poro Rate and Pasangi (Instagram/@lasembo)
6. Poro Rate and Pasangi traditional clothes

In Bima, the bride wears a traditional dress called Poro Rante. It is bright red in color and is decorated with gold-plated flower shapes. Usually combined with subordinates from songket cloth or Tembe Songke with kakando, samobo, or satako floral motifs. Quoting Selasar, this songket is tied with a golden belt called Salepe. Well, the bride and groom generally also bring a pasapu or handkerchief made of silk decorated with silver thread embroidery. Plus a headdress called the rocking flower or Jungge Dondo.

Pairs are the traditional clothes worn by the Bima tribe groom. This outfit consists of a red, brown, or black long-sleeved top. While for noble brides, wearing green or yellow. This outfit looks elegant, because it is embroidered with gold or silver thread.

The bottom shirt wears trousers, Sorowa Dondo which is also decorated with gold or silver thread embroidery. Songket cloth is used for sarongs worn along the knees. Usually worn with a patterned couple with the bride. The accessories worn by the groom include a belt, a keris, and a yellow handkerchief or known as Pasapu Monca.

7. Donggo Traditional Clothing

Donggo is the name of one of the tribes in Bima Regency. The traditional clothes worn by the tribal people are mostly black. This outfit is identically worn during death rituals. Salongo belt made of woven cotton thread.

For teenage boys, cotton yarn is used which is black in color with white stripes. Uniquely, the model of the neck piece is circular in shape or called the Mbolo Wo'o shirt. Salongo red or yellow for the belt as well as pinning the knife.

Adult women wear Kababu clothes, in the form of short-sleeved black clothes. Generally made of cotton yarn. For his subordinates, they wear pants that are below the knee, which are called Deko. The teenagers wore Kani Dou Samplea.

Those are the seven NTB traditional clothes from various tribes that you must know. Considering that the archipelago has various motifs, patterns, philosophies of traditional clothing, to types of weaving, knowing each character from one important area. The aim is to preserve wealth and recognize the potential of each cultural group.

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