
JAKARTA – Patience is a concept that is quite difficult to explain to children, unless parents give direct examples. Many parents also feel the need to delay training their children's patience. However, patience is a skill in developing healthy relationships, recognizing and controlling emotions, to helping children develop academic achievement.

According to Roni Leiderman, Ph.D. from the Mailman Segal Institute for Early Childhood Studies at Nova Southeastern University, toddlers have different temperaments. They can learn patience in various ways. Most importantly, you need to observe and understand the temperament of the baby. The goal is to find techniques to manage situations and appropriate ways to teach them patience.

Are you interested in teaching patience to children from an early age? Reported by the Baby Sparks parenting page, Thursday, March 10, here are ways you can do it.

1. Set realistic expectations

In terms of teaching patience, parents need to put patience in the most realistic position. Also, keep in mind that when a toddler is hungry, tired, or just needs more attention, this is not the time to teach him patience. So recognizing the situation properly and teaching patience takes time.

2. Play waiting game

You can create a game rule of “Patience, patience” for one play time. For example, by playing together in turns and waiting for their part to play. Waiting, is the easiest technique to give direction on how to be patient and manage yourself.

3. Acknowledge the challenge

Waiting for toddlers is not an easy matter. You need to get down to their level to admit the challenges are not easy. Like giving an understanding of the tradeoffs of waiting can be very helpful.

4. Don't 'reward'

Rewards in the form of praise and positive reinforcement must be given at the right time. When the baby practices patience appropriately, then give praise. However, avoid giving 'bribes' when he manages to be patient and sits waiting to get a piece of his favorite cake.

This idea of reward-based rewards can cause problems. Especially with regard to self-regulation for children in the future. The idea is to understand that they can move on to the next activity after they have waited patiently.

5. Invite the children to do a lot of activities

Ask your little ones if they can stand on one leg, jump like a rabbit, or wave like a bird. Games, can be a fun technique to burn energy. The reason is, with the accumulated energy it will be very difficult to practice patience.

In a waiting game, you can ask your child what they want to do while waiting in line at the cashier, for example. Pay attention and engage them in conversation to keep them active. Also, show them your patience as an example.

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