
JAKARTA – Maintaining heart health is done by living a healthy lifestyle. Besides these methods, several types of spices are believed to be beneficial for overall health. Like garlic which has been studied for its effectiveness in preventive measures or heart health care.

Citing a review by Michael Merschel from the American Heart Association published on the Heart page, Thursday, March 10, garlic is legendary because it is believed to provide protection from the common cold to heart disease. This belief is proven in a number of scientific studies. According to Kristina Peterson, assistant professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences, Texas Tech University, garlic is a common ingredient in heart-healthy diets in the Mediterranean diet.

The content in one clove of garlic is relatively good for overall health. The reason is, it contains calories, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese. One of the most studied compounds in garlic is called allicin. In another study, we explored the historical use of garlic as a health care ingredient. The study was conducted by Sanjay K. Banerjee and Sabir Maulik from the Department of Pharmacology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.

Garlic, was used as medicine for the Ancient Egyptians. Consumed by the working class who do heavy work. During the earliest Olympics in Greece, garlic was given to athletes to increase stamina. In ancient Chinese medicine, garlic was prescribed for respiratory and digestive remedies. In India, ancient medical texts wrote about the use of garlic to cure heart disease and arthritis.

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Illustration of the benefits of garlic for heart health (iStockphoto)

Beginning of the Enlightenment, the Renaissance, by a prominent physician in the 16th century named Pietro Mattiali of Siena prescribed garlic for indigestion, worm infestations, kidney disorders, and to help with difficult childbirth. In England, garlic is used to treat toothache, constipation, and treat plague.

In the modern era, garlic has been validated to contain active components that are useful as dietary supplements. A 2020 study published in the journal Antioxidants, states that in certain doses, garlic has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.

However, according to Peterson, garlic can interact with some medications, including blood-thinning medications. People taking blood thinners are advised to avoid garlic a week before surgery or dental procedures.

Peterson added, garlic may not have significant health benefits. But it can occupy a position as part of a healthy mixed diet.

Victoria Taylor of the British Heart Foundation, added. There is not much solid evidence that garlic supports heart health. But some studies show a decrease in blood pressure after consumption of garlic. The study referred to people who consumed garlic extract or powder so that they got a standard amount of the active compound.

Fresh garlic may contain more allicin than chopped garlic that is ready to use and stored in oil. Allicin, is a compound that contains antioxidants. It's best if it's added as a condiment in chopped raw form, of course without adding salt, suggests Taylor.

Well, to overcome the risk of heart disease and blood circulation, it is important to think about the diet as a whole. It's not just one ingredient, garlic in particular, that you can count on for your health.

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