
JAKARTA - National Music Day (HMN) is celebrated on March 9 every year. The stipulation was chosen based on the birth date of the great Indonesian composer WR Supratman although it was later discovered that his actual birth date was March 19, 1903.

Mulan Jameela said that National Music Day is an appreciation from the state as a form of respect for music which is part of the culture and also the musicians.

"This is a state appreciation for music, especially Indonesian music, and it can increase the adrenaline for us musicians to continue working," said Mulan, quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, March 9.

According to Mulan, music cannot be separated from people's lives. In addition, music is a universal language that can unite all kinds of differences.

"It is very important to commemorate National Music Day, because music is part of the daily life of all people in various elements of life. Music can unite differences, whatever it is," said the Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission VII.

The music industry today is much more developed than 10 years ago. Therefore, according to Mulan, certainty about copyright and its regulations is what the music industry needs.

"Cooperation and full support from the government are also needed so that the Indonesian music industry can be more accepted in the international arena because I think Indonesian music is no less cool than other countries," said Ahmad Dhani's wife.

Chairman of the Music Committee of the Jakarta Arts Council (DKJ) Adra Karim said National Music Day (HMN) which falls every March 9, can be interpreted from various sides, including as a reminder and celebration of the nation's arts and culture.

"First, we can see music as a reminder that we are a country full of culture, and music is a part of that culture that cannot be separated, it is deeply ingrained and a part of our lives," Adra told ANTARA, quoted on Wednesday. .

Music, continued Adra, is not only entertainment, but also has functions and cultural roots in Indonesia. "For example, in some areas, music must be present when a person is born, grows up, and gets married. And its presence is not just for entertainment. Indonesia has a very deep culture and is attached to music," he added.

Furthermore, the man who is also a jazz composer said that HMN can serve as a reminder that music is also a science that can be researched and explored.

"Many people dedicate their lives to deepening (knowledge) of this music. They conduct experiments, to continue to develop and look for all other possibilities to be explored," said Adra.

"Sometimes it is necessary to pay more attention to the fact that music is not just entertainment. In fact, in the world of education, this is the most obvious form of 'science' practice in honing logic. There are (elements of) mathematics, physics, language, and social skills. can be applied from an early age (through music)," he explained.

At this HMN, Adra hopes that everyone can open their eyes and take part in supporting Indonesian music.

He again reminded that Indonesian arts and culture are very rich and much admired even by international music lovers.

"We are starting to open our eyes that art and culture are the most powerful weapons for us to survive, and are also admired in the international world. Our country is full of artistic talent: music, theater, film, dance, and others. This needs to be seen, supported and cared for," said Adra.

"It's not only the duty of musicians and the government to support, the people themselves also open their eyes that music is not just entertainment, the actors also work, (musicians) are a profession, something that is taken seriously and occupied, so that in the end it can be appreciated and have more fans and become musicians have the certainty of life too," he added.

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