
JAKARTA - Instant noodles are quickly becoming a staple food today. When parents are short on time and kids need something to eat, they easily opt for instant noodles.

Nowadays, with various brands of instant noodles and flavors that children like, this is of course an easy choice. But, you need to stop and think whether instant noodles are the right food for your child. And, VOI will discuss it in this article. Launching Parenting First Cry, Monday, March 7, here are some reasons why children should be restricted from consuming instant noodles.

Lack of nutrition

The process of packaged foods such as instant noodles does not focus on any vitamins and minerals, and leads to low nutrition.

Trans fat content

In order to be stored for a long time, noodles are processed by steaming and frying in oil. This causes trans fats during frying to become part of the noodles, which can lead to weight gain.

Wax coating

To get a more attractive appearance, the noodles are coated with wax during the manufacturing process. It is dangerous and is known to cause liver damage.


As is known, MSG is widely used in instant noodles to enhance the taste. However, this chemical is dangerous for both children and adults, as it is known to cause brain damage.

Sodium as preservative

To preserve noodles for a long time, large amounts of sodium are needed. Sodium, the element present in salt, also directly affects vital organs and can cause damage to body functions if consumed in excess.

Other Chemicals

Apart from the above reasons, various chemicals such as plasticizers and dioxins are present in the ingredients used to make noodles. These chemicals are carcinogenic and may remain in the noodles even after you cook them.

People may assume that the amount they consume is not high or that they are careful when cooking, but certain factors can cause the substance to become active and cause cancer.

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