
JAKARTA – Balinese food is known for its rich taste. Spices are used specifically for seasoning dishes. For this one snack, it is called Pulung Nyepi. It doesn't require a lot of ingredients to make it. Simple with a special taste.

Pulung Nyepi, reported by Visit Bali, Thursday, March 3, is a typical traditional snack that must be present during the Holy Day of Nyepi. Even this food must be served the day before Nyepi. The reason is, this food is one of the offerings in the ceremony.

In Sukasada Village, Buleleng Regency, Pulung Nyepi is a traditional food that has been passed down from generation to generation. Called as Pulung Nyepi because it is taken from the presence this snack is served, namely on Pengrupukan Day or the day before Nyepi Day.

The manufacturing process is very simple, especially the ingredients. The ingredients consist of rice flour, starch, and a little grated coconut. Processed by steaming only. How to make it is not complicated, just mix the two types of flour and grated coconut. Uniquely, the shape is truncated so that it is oval in shape. Chewy texture, slightly sweet taste, and a savory mix sprinkled with grated coconut on top.

At first glance, Pulung Nyepi looks like cenil, a traditional food sold in the market. But in color, it is similar to salak seeds because it is brown in color. About the taste, it's not that sharp.

Besides Pulung Nyepi, other snacks must also be served on the holy day of Hindus in Bali, including jaja apem and celorot cake. Jaja is the local language for cakes, the ingredients are made of rice flour. Just like the previous two, the Celorot cake is also made from mashed rice grains.

You can find the three snacks above during Nyepi. In traditional markets in Bali, many are selling simple snacks that have a special taste.

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