
JAKARTA - Nikita Willy decided to settle in Los Angeles, United States. They will stay there until the child is born. She will give birth at Cedars Sinai Hospital, a well-known hospital which since 1902 has also been a place for big Hollywood celebrities to give birth.

The hospital occupied by Nikita Willy is where Kim Kardasian, Beyonce, Kylie Jenner and Victoria Beckham gave birth. The cost of giving birth there reaches US$4,000 or around Rp. 52 million per day.

"Hi everyone, we have decided to stay in America to be precise in Los Angeles until we give birth," said Nikita Willy on Nikita Willy's YouTube channel quoted Monday, February 21 last.

Nikita Willy has not confirmed how long she will stay in Los Angeles. But she wanted her child to have a delivery there.

Nikita also explained that she plans to stay until she gives birth to her first child. Moreover, he also did not plan to return to his homeland any time soon.

The film star Alas Pati actually plans to return to Indonesia when his son is old enough and ready for long-haul flights.

"Until our son (our son) is old enough and ready to return to Jakarta. But now we are still in San Francisco, we will drive to LA," said Nikita Willy.

Giving birth and living in America certainly costs a lot of money. But as the third generation successor to the Blue Bird taxi company, which has been operating in Indonesia for more than 40 years, Indra Priawan Djokosoetono can certainly overcome this problem.

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