3 Fuji's Behavior When Raising Atta Halilintar's Daughter Praised By Netizens: Learning From Gala
Fuji (Foto: IG @fuji_an)


JAKARTA - Fuji's close relationship with Thoriq Halilintar has made him close to Baby Ameena, the first daughter of Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah. Thoriq asked him to meet his nephew after attending an award ceremony.

Quoted from Thoriq Halilintar's YouTube channel, Fuji seems to still be wearing the dress he wore at the event. He praised Thoriz's niece as very beautiful and healthy.

"Very beautiful. Her hair is thick, healthy," said Fuji.

In their interactions, there are three Fuji attitudes that netizens praise. Here's the explanation.

Don't Kiss Thoriq Halilintar wanted to kiss Ameena as soon as he came. Fuji immediately banned it.

"Don't kiss, we've met thousands of people. Poor him," he said.

Fuji also suggested that Thoriq change clothes and clean himself first before kissing his nephew. Finally Thoriq did it.

Cover the corner of the table Atta wants to show the nursery they have prepared. Unexpectedly, Fuji's attention was immediately on Ameena's safety. He saw tables and other furniture with sharp corners.

"Lay it down, layer it to be safe," said Fuji.

Hearing that suggestion Atta didn't think long. He confirmed Fuji's suggestion for Ameena's safety later.

Mattress Too High "This is high. The floor can be raised. Babies are prone to falling," said the woman who is usually called Uti.

Thoriq also asked if Gala used to fall from the bed so often that Uti was very skilled. "Often, when I fell asleep in the middle of Sis Vanessa and Aunt, suddenly I woke up and fell on the floor," he said.

Seeing Fuji's behavior, netizens were touched. It seems that this 19-year-old woman really knows how to take care of children.

"He learned from the Gala," wrote the netizen in the comments column.

"Age may be young but Fuji's knowledge in taking care of babies is already pro... Baby Ameena is beautiful like her papa & mama... Hopefully THOFU lasts until the wedding, okay... Want to see baby THOFU also with baby A and Gala..." wrote other netizens.

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