
JAKARTA – Complaints of stomach pain in children need immediate help from their parents. Sometimes, they don't say anything. But there are also those that affect their daily habits.

Stomach pain is often related to diet. Although there are other factors, but recognize the signs when children have digestive problems such as the following.

1. Vomit

Children vomit for various reasons, some of which are viral infections, motion sickness, food poisoning, fever, cough, and overeating. Psychological conditions such as being overly excited, nervous, or worried can also cause vomiting. In addition to moderate to mild conditions, serious illnesses such as meningitis, appendicitis, and viral blockage are characterized by vomiting.

Immediate help is needed, especially when vomiting is more than once, there is blood or bile in the vomit, or if the child is under 6 years of age and cannot hold fluids. For older children, if they vomit more than twice in 24 hours, then see a doctor immediately. You should also call your doctor if vomiting is accompanied by fever, diarrhea, or signs of dehydration.

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Illustration of signs that a child has digestive problems (Freepik/Pressfoto)
2. Stomach ache

Quoting WebMD, Thursday, February 24, stomach pain in children can be a sign of having a problem. Generally, he has constipation, diarrhea, food poisoning, gastroenteritis or stomach flu, gastritis, and overeating. Some of the less common signs of abdominal pain include food allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, and pneumonia.

Recommendations Chris Tolcher, MD., assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California School of Medicine, if stomach pain lasts more than two weeks and is severe, see a pediatrician.

3. Constipation and diarrhea

Things that cause constipation include stress from toilet training, a low-fiber diet, lack of fluids, lack of exercise, irritable bowel syndrome, poor bowel habits, diabetes, or the influence of medications. Symptoms include abdominal pain, stomach cramps, hard and scanty bowel movements.

If the child does not defecate once every day and finds blood in the stool, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor.


Not only adults who can experience GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux) can also be experienced by children. Very young children can have it triggered by a food allergy or having problems with the esophageal sphincter. For children, avoid eating foods that trigger GERD, including peppermint, chocolate, and fatty foods.

5. Weight gain or loss drastically

Changes that occur drastically need to be watched out for, including in children's weight. The reason is, weight is influenced by appetite, metabolism, and picky eating habits. To some extent, the voter does not trigger the problem. But pay attention to the ups and downs of children's weight so that digestive health is still well monitored.

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