
Caution: Before reading this article, please note that this article does not teach readers to commit suicide attempts. If you have thoughts of committing suicide, don't hesitate to contact a psychologist or psychiatrist immediately.

JAKARTA - The news of Ayu Aulia's attempted suicide made netizens sympathize. Ade, Ayu's older sister, explained that Ayu tried to commit suicide because of work problems.

"Because there is pressure, maybe it is related to colleagues. We will answer after a meeting with RO," he explained.

Based on the explanation from the Head of the Setiabudi Police, Kompol Beddy Suwendi, Ayu attempted to commit suicide on Tuesday, February 22, at around 18.00 WIB.

"Yes, that's right, the AA program (conducted) a suicide attempt at his apartment, Setiabudi, South Jakarta," said Beddy when confirmed, Tuesday, February 22, evening.

Beddy said that the apartment security officer, who knew about the incident, immediately reported the Setiabudi Police.

Receiving the report, his party also visited the crime scene (TKP) at around 19.20 WIB.

However, when they got there, the AA assistant did not allow the police to meet the victim. The reason, the family does not allow it.

When approached by the police to investigate the crime scene, Ade admitted that he had not been able to give permission. "We refuse to have a TKP, because there is no report from us. We want to focus on assisting the family," said Ayu Aulia's sister.

The news made netizens tremble. They provide support for Ayu through Instagram. Now Ayu's last upload is filled with motivational words from netizens.

"I'm here because I just saw the news on Twitter, I was once rich in your position. You are strong, you are a great woman, maybe in the eyes of some people it is disgraceful / even considered stupid. But they don't know when we are at the lowest point phase. We just need encouragement from the people around. Hope you are fine, beautiful," wrote the netizen.

"You will be very precious to someone who will proudly love you so deeply.. spirit brother," wrote another netizen.

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