Mawar AFI Talks About Her Cheating Husband On Social Media, Should You Tell Others About Your Spouse's Infidelity?
Illustrator (Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash)


JAKARTA - The household of Mawar AFI and Steno Ricardo, which has been fostered for 10 years, ran aground at the trial table last January 2022. Steno is known to have an affair with a baby sitter. This news is known from Mawar's story on her Instagram account. Suddenly, netizens were excited by the news.

In fact, is it necessary to tell others about your spouse's infidelity? Anne Bercht, an expert on marital relations, adapted Beyond Affairs, Tuesday, February 22, stating that this is a personal decision. There is no right answer to this question. However, before deciding it is important to gather possibilities from various perspectives. After that, carefully consider all the options, then make your own decision about what is the most appropriate for you.

Here are some points to consider before deciding whether to tell someone about your partner's infidelity or not.

Don't suffer alone

It's important to tell someone, because you shouldn't be going through this pain alone. It seems wise enough to tell a few people who can support you through this difficult time and listen to you, without judging, without telling you what to do, and without offering unsolicited or uneducated advice. Sharing with a few supportive and thoughtful people can give you important support through difficult times and through healing.

Consider the purpose of storytelling

When you're having an affair, take the time to make wise decisions about what's best for yourself. You should not rush to make decisions when emotions are less stable because it can lead to regret.

Looking fun does destroy a partner's good name in society by exposing his mistakes as a form of punishment. However, taking revenge in this way will not relieve the heartache. Remember, the purpose of sharing problems with others is to get support in difficult times, not to vilify your partner.

So, if you feel the positive impact that will be had after telling the closest people about your partner's infidelity, then tell me. However, if you can't think of a positive outcome that would result from telling certain people, it's best to keep that secret to yourself.

You can forgive your partner, but not other people

Sometimes it's easier to forgive yourself than someone else's. If you decide to forgive your partner's mistakes, can the person you share with them forgive your partner?

Know who to talk to

Sometimes when other people find out about your partner's infidelity, they can cause deeper wounds through hurtful gossip or harmful and inappropriate advice. If the people around you have a negative impact when they find out about cases of infidelity, there's nothing wrong with minimizing your contact with them until you and your partner return to repairing the marriage.

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