
JAKARTA – Protein is an important nutrient for strong bones, muscles and skin. As a group of macronutrients, besides fats and carbohydrates, protein is responsible for thousands of chemical reactions whose function is to ensure the body works properly.

In a day the average person who is not an athlete is allowed to consume protein foods weighing 2 grams times body weight. If you weigh 70 kilograms, it means that you can consume between 125-140 grams of protein foods, such as fish.

Quoting Eating Well, Thursday, February 17, the recommendation is to consume between 10-35 percent of daily calories from protein. Based on an analysis of 32 studies related to protein consumption, consuming too much is not recommended. Because it will not be useful and can interfere with your health. Here are signs that can be a warning if you eat too many protein foods.

1. Frequent urination

Frequent urination due to eating too much protein, makes the kidneys process so much protein that the excess builds up. The buildup of protein in the kidneys creates a much more acidic environment in the kidneys. Increased acid production can also cause bone and liver problems.

In addition to frequent urination, thirst is also a side effect of eating too much protein. However, according to a number of researchers, plant protein has a lower negative effect than animal protein.

efek samping terlalu banyak makan protein
Illustration of frequent urination, side effects of eating too much protein (Freepik/Jcomp)
2. Affects mood

As explained in the opening, that protein is responsible for the hormones that make sure the body works properly. According to the American Medical Association, a high-protein, high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet over a year experiences more anxiety, depression, and poor mood than a low-fat, high-carbohydrate, moderate-protein diet.

3. Experiencing constipation

High-protein diets are often low in fiber, especially when the protein source comes from animal products. This can affect your digestive system. The most common effect of low-fiber consumption is constipation or difficulty defecating. Unless you're mixing vegetable protein that contains fiber like beans, tempeh, tofu, and whole grains.

4. Weight gain back

A neurologist, Sandra Aamodt, Ph.D. study the relationship between body weight and brain. According to him, to lose weight it is necessary to change long-term behavior. If the diet only lasts for the next few weeks, no doubt it will be easy to gain weight again. The brain will follow changes in behavior, and this needs to be done gradually but consistently.

5. Tired all the time

Did you get enough sleep last night, but still feel tired all the time? It could be a sign of consuming too much protein. Eating a lot of protein can make the body tired, because too much protein overloads the work of the kidneys, liver, and heart. Meanwhile, eating too few carbohydrates can affect the brain, making it difficult to focus and lack energy.

6. Bad breath

The term for keto dieters is known, 'keto breath'. This occurs when a person focuses on protein and fat consumption rather than healthy carbohydrates. Therefore the body has to adjust and produce ketones that smell bad.

Have you ever experienced the 6 signs above? It is therefore recommended to find a more balanced dietary approach in terms of macronutrient consumption. This will make the body work in harmony and minimize the risk of harm to health.

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