
JAKARTA - The figure of photographer Winston Gomez is famous among celebrities. The results of capable shots make his work admired by Indonesian artists. Likewise, citizens who are loyal followers of Winston's Instagram social media with the username @winstongomez.

Not only taking pictures of celebrities, Winston also opened a photo service for non-celebrities. Starting from pre-wedding photoshoots, maternity, family photos, to brand photos. Especially for pre-wedding photos, Winston has special tips so that clients are satisfied with the photos later.

The first thing he usually does is preparation in the form of client introductions. This session can take place about one to two weeks before the photo process begins. According to Winston, photographers must be able to interact with clients. Must know the background, Instagram. After knowing the client's character, a new concept is made before the photoshoot.

In addition, a photographer also needs to provide some questions to be submitted to the client. The point is to know for sure the client's will so that later the client can be satisfied with the results of the photo shoot. The questions include;

What is the client's favorite theme What is the client's favorite color What kind of clothes or look does the client prefer (Hollywood, Indonesia, Bohemian) The client's favorite magazine The client's favorite film

"From the answers to the questions above, conclusions can be drawn later on what the client's character is like so that the team can prepare for their needs," said Winston.

Even though you already know the client's character at the beginning, it doesn't necessarily make the photoshoot process run perfectly. Sometimes, the client's wishes can change.

"Some people have fixed a concept like this, then suddenly they contacted them to change the concept, some initially wanted to go outdoors so we have prepared all kinds of permits, eventually we decided to stay indoors. Even though we have prepared all the equipment. There are also those who have finished taking photos, but suddenly ask to change the background in the forest, in China. So the client's requests vary,” said Winston.

However, Winston never bothered clients' requests. He is even more proud of his profession as a photographer. For him, there is a feeling of happiness that surrounds himself when he can please others.

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