
JAKARTA – Dyspnea is a medical term for shortness of breath. Because this condition causes discomfort when on the move.

Shortness of breath can be caused by mild factors that are temporary and serious that lasts a long time. This breathing problem is often very difficult to diagnose and treat because each cause is different. According to a Cleveland Center Clinic report published by Medical News Today, Tuesday, February 15, 1 in every 4 people who visit a doctor has dyspnea.

Recognizing the symptoms of dyspnea

In healthy people, shortness of breath can be experienced due to being too tired. Besides being felt after doing excessive activity, shortness of breath can also be experienced when spending time at heights. Symptoms of someone experiencing dyspnea include:

Shortness of breath after activity or certain medical conditions. Feeling suffocated because breathing becomes difficult. Chest feels tight. Breathing is fast and shallow. Heart pounding. Wheezing. Cough.

Symptoms may be mild or resolve soon after enough rest. But if it occurs suddenly with severe symptoms, it may be a serious medical symptom.

penyebab dyspnea atau sesak napas
Illustration of one of the causes of dyspnea is fatigue after intense exercise (iStockphoto)
Causes of dyspnea

As explained in the previous point, dyspnea can be caused by fatigue from activities, intense exercise, traveling to high places, or significant changes in temperature. However, shortness of breath can also be related to health problems. According to Donter Steven Wahls, common causes of shortness of breath include asthma, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), interstitial lung disease, pneumonia, and psychogenic problems related to anxiety.

There are also cases of anemia or after blood loss resulting in shortness of breath. In addition, exposure to air containing carbon monoxide is also harmful to the health of organs that affect breathing.

When do you need to see a doctor?

For smokers, shortness of breath can be overcome by quitting smoking or cleaning the lungs naturally. As for people with dyspnea due to fatigue and changes in temperature, it can be treated at home because it is temporary. However, for people who experience shortness of breath for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Medical treatment also needs to be done when shortness of breath occurs suddenly, feels pain in the chest, nausea, cannot move because of shortness of breath. Doctors will usually diagnose dyspnea based on a complete physical exam, according to Dr. Wahls.

The doctor will use a chest X-ray and CT (Computed Tomography) images to diagnose dyspnea. More specifically, the doctor will evaluate the health of the heart, lungs, and related systems with patient complaints.

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