
JAKARTA - The romance of Indonesian celebrities is undeniably one of the highlights of the public. Some of the stories went smoothly until the wedding, ran aground in the middle of the road, divorced, or even just found their soul mate at a very mature age.

Matches do come from the Almighty and it is not known when they will find them. Some people may think that it is too late to get married if they are over 40 years old, but not infrequently it actually makes the relationship mature and mature.

Some Indonesian celebrities have decided to get married over the age of 40. Even though they are not young anymore, their charm is still visible, plus the happy expressions that are often displayed before the wedding. Who are they?

1. Venna Melinda and Ferry Irawan The latest is the love story of Venna Melinda and Ferry Irawan. Their relationship was widely discussed by the public because they decided to marry over the age of 40.

Venna, who is now 49 years old and Ferry 44 years old, both failed to build a household. From that experience, both seem to learn to be better and hope that their marriage will last forever.

The two are known to have held an application session on February 9 in the Pantai Mutiara area, North Jakarta and plan to hold a wedding ceremony in March this year.

2. Maia Estianty and Irwan Mussry After officially divorcing Ahmad Dhani in 2008, Maia Estianty has been alone for a long time. Until finally he met a well-known businessman Irwan Mussry and finally ended up in a marriage.

When she married Irwan in 2018, Maia was already 42 years old. However, their household until now is very happy and harmonious and far from bad news. Even Irwan looks very close to Maia's children, namely Al, El, and Dul, like his own biological son.

3. Ikke Nurjanah and Karlie Fu It took 14 years for Ikke Nurjanah to finally decide to remarry Karlie Fu. As is known, previously Ikke was in a household with Aldi Bragi and decided to divorce in 2007.

When he married Karlie, on January 29, 2021, Ikke was 46 years old at that time. Meanwhile, her husband is 6 years younger than her. Until now, the two of them have lived a harmonious household and have not heard any bad news.

4. Anggun C. Sasmi and Christian Krestschmar Singers who have gone international Anggun, is known to have married a Caucasian from France Christian Krestschmar, in 2018. The two of them tied the knot in an exotic place, namely Villa Omah Padi, Ubud, Bali.

As is known, Anggun's marriage to Christian is the fourth time. Previously she was married to Michel Georgea in 1992, Olivier Maury in 2005, and Cyril Montana in 2010. When she married her current husband who is a photographer, Anggun Cipta Sasmi was then 44 years old.

5. Cut Tary and Richard Kevin In 2013, Cut Tary's household with Yusuf Subrata could not be maintained and decided to divorce. About 6 years after Cut Tary was widowed, he finally found his soul mate again in the handsome actor Richard Kevin.

They married in 2019 and at that time Cut Tary was 42 years old. Currently, their household looks harmonious and often shares their intimacy through their Instagram account.

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