
JAKARTA – For those of you who don't or don't have a partner, Valentine's Day may feel stressful. When walking out of the house, seeing a couple holding hands brings the image of sharing love with their partner. Don't worry, when you're single, you can still enjoy love.

According to Alli Spotts-De Lazzer, MA., LMFT., LPCC., CEDS-S. reported by Psychology Today, Monday, February 14, historical aspects related to Valentine's Day do not focus on romantic partners. This means that you need to think outside the box and find fun and creative ways to enjoy the day. Here are the ways Spotts-De Lazzer suggests so you can still enjoy Valentine's Day when you're single.

1. Give Valentine cards to those around you

Valentine cards can be given to anyone, including friends, strangers, shopping cashiers, to relatives. When giving out a Valentine's Day card in person, pay attention to the smile that occurs. Cards that are without pretensions or with good intentions give a pleasant impression to you and those who receive them.

2. Prioritize relationships with friends or people who matter to you

Not only to your partner, love can also be prioritized for people who mean something to you. Either by calling remotely via Zoom, or sending greeting cards via electronic messages.

3. Do loving activities for yourself

Spotts-De Lazzer gives an example, you can write a love letter to yourself. It is a matter of gratitude for the mind and body and for everything that is done to achieve a quality of life.

4. Do good things for others

COVID-19 has changed many things, including daily habits. In times like these, you can do good things for other people. For example, sending food to a friend who is battling a virus attack.

5. Remind yourself that anxiety will end

Valentine's Day lasts just one day, says Spotts-De Lazzer. When television, social media feeds, and other media talk about romantic partners, it will end tomorrow. This means that you also do not need to be cruel to yourself so that it makes the heart upset. So, enjoy the colorful atmosphere of Valentine happily including when alone.

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