
JAKARTA - Valentine's Day is very synonymous with the celebration of the day of love for couples. But, on Valentine's Day this year, try to show love not only to your partner but also to your parents.

Express your love for your parents for raising and accompanying you all this time. The form does not have to be in the form of goods or money because there are many other simple ways to say love to them. Here are some ideas that you can use as a reference.

Cleaning the house

If you still live with your parents, one of the things you can do to show affection is to help them with household chores. Just imagine, after a long day of work, they still have to clean the house, of course it's tiring right?

Besides being able to lighten the burden on parents, helping clean the house will give them extra time to rest and relax. Now, for cleaning, you can do simple things like washing dirty dishes, sweeping the house, watering the yard, or cooking for your parents. Also cleaning the house can make you healthier because this activity is the same as exercising.

Give praise and thanks

Some of you may feel embarrassed or just not used to giving compliments to parents. Well, in this Valentine's Day moment, try to start inserting a new habit to give compliments to them. Just start with simple things, like complimenting Mom's cooking or Dad's appearance.

In addition to compliments, express your affection by saying thank you to your parents. You can tell them directly or use a greeting card and place it where they can see it easily. These little things that were previously considered trivial will strengthen your relationship with your parents.

Invite to eat together

Preparing your parents' favorite food can be a form of your affection for them too. They will see your effort to serve the food and will surely appreciate that attitude.

If necessary, also involve them to participate in preparing the dish together. While cooking, you can be nostalgic at the same time how the hustle and bustle of the kitchen atmosphere when you were little.

But tips for those of you who don't want to bother, you can invite both parents to eat out. Don't forget to choose a place to eat that is not too crowded with strict health protocols. The next option can be to order food via online services and enjoy it at home together, simpler right?

Have a chat

Busyness sometimes makes us forget to communicate with the closest people such as parents. In fact, by communicating you can have a better quality relationship with your parents.

It doesn't have to be long, you can set aside a minute after finishing work to chat with them. But if you are not at home, you can take the time to call or video call with your parents. Just asking news or stories about work can be a way to show love to them.

Visit often

If possible, take the time to visit your parents too. You can schedule regular visits, for example every weekend or adjust it to your busy schedule. To make it more fun, you can make an appointment with your brother or sister so you can visit your parents' house together. Make the most of the visiting time as possible for quality time with your parents.

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