
JAKARTA - Expert from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Prof. DR. dr. Soehartati A. Gondhowiardjo, Sp.Rad (K) Onk.Rad said that cancer prevention is not only the responsibility of the government but also the role of the entire community. , family and so on," said Prof. Tati in the webinar "Ecosystem & Psychosocial Support for Cancer Stakeholders in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic" on Saturday, February 12, 2022, as quoted by Antara. play a role in providing and disseminating information about cancer correctly. According to him, preventive measures against cancer cannot be carried out by the government alone, in this case the Ministry of Health, but it is a shared responsibility. To help fight cancer, the first thing is the easiest What the community does is increase information and knowledge about cancer. Then, together create change agents to continue or call for various campaigns.

"The important thing is what we can do, such as making advocacy. Then prevent myths about cancer, because patients come late because they believe in myths," said Prof. Tati. In addition, there must also be a national action plan on promotion, leadership, as well as various cancer therapies and others. must be carried out in a multi-sectoral manner," he said. Tati said that the most important thing in preventing cancer is awareness for early screening. Breast cancer and cervical cancer are the easiest to detect. For breast cancer, you can do breast self-examination or self-examination and for cervical cancer, you can do a Pap smear or IVA.

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