
JAKARTA – Fashion trends continue to develop, and never stop. As a consumer, you can choose a fashion style according to your persona. But it can also limit buying clothes on a regular basis and follow the principles of minimalist style.

Minimalist style is known to hold the principle of less is more and avoid consumptive behavior. The minimalist concept avoids things that are less meaningful. In the realm of dress, minimalist style maximizes function and quality. This means, you can start by sorting the clothes stored in the closet and consider decluttering even using items based on their function. To start a minimalist style in dress, you can follow the following tips below.

1. Clean your closet

Start by building a minimalist wardrobe and making an inventory of the clothing items you currently have. Sort and organize clothes by item, separating different piles: donate, consign and store.

Minimalist style supports sustainable fashion, meaning what you already have doesn't end up in the trash. Save the clothes you like, donate the ones that are still worth it, and sell the piles that still allow for new life.

2. Create a unique look based on your style

The contents of the wardrobe describe the personality. It's important to feel confident and comfortable in the clothes you wear. When creating a minimalist wardrobe, put aside seasonal trends and find a style that is unique to you.

3. Choose clothes based on quality

There is no denying that building a minimalist style does not require a little bit of ordinary. But it's important to consider that quality clothing from ethical brands costs more than fast fashion. Ethical-minded brands have durable and sustainable materials so fashion workers are paid fair benefits and wages.

4. Choose a timeless fashion style

Minimalist style fashion items, timeless can be selected. Such as coats, turtleneck tops, jeans jackets, knit sweaters, A-line skirts, suit blazers, shirts, neutral color overalls. This timeless fashion item makes your appearance never go out of style. If these items are combined creatively, you can still look stylish.

5. Look with natural makeup

Style and makeup complement each other, to look minimalist, you can choose natural makeup. The principle of minimalism can also be implemented in choosing makeup products. Like you choose from natural materials that are sustainable, functional, and minimal in packaging waste.

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