
JAKARTA - Pandji Pragiwaksono is in New York for an open mic as a stand-up comedian. However, Deddy Corbuzier actually threw a joke about Pandji's old dream.

"Watch until the end. This is for Pandji Pragiwaksono. He once said that the dream will never die. As hard as you hit, he will come back again," said Deddy in a video uploaded to Instagram @mastercorbuzier, Friday, February 4.

Deddy said that currently Pandji is pursuing his dream. But the father of one child is curious which dream Pandji will realize.

"And Pandji is currently pursuing his dream. For those who don't know, he is currently in New York trying his dream," said Deddy.

Deddy continued by asking which dream is Pandji chasing? "So Pandji, goodluck to you Pandji, I hope your dream comes true. But the question is, which dream did you go to New York for? Dream of being a standup comedian there or dream of being able to do marijuana every day, because marijuana is legal, right, your dream," he snapped. Deddy.

Not only in the video, in the description column, Deddy also hints at Pandji's dream of supporting the legality of marijuana in Indonesia. "YE YEEE COZ I GOT HIGH... COZ I GOT HIGH... COZ I GOT HIGH...," wrote Deddy.

For information, Pandji has provided support for the legality of marijuana in Indonesia. In his personal blog,, Pandji admits that he is sad because his support for legalizing marijuana brings pros and cons.

However, Pandji asserted that he did not use marijuana or 'nyimeng'. "I don't smoke, I don't even smoke. Since the first, sailors have used marijuana fiber for their rigging, clothes, sails," Pandji wrote.

Suddenly the netizens were immediately rowdy in the comments column. Many also warned Deddy that his joke was too much.

"This is really dangerous!!!! By law, if you are still an Indonesian citizen, you can monitor it. Be careful," wrote Patrick Effendy.

"Oh, it's dangerous, BNN is monitoring!" said another. "So, Om Deddy's bestie is horribly horrified, huh," said the netizen. "Bang, don't be stupid, bro, the joke is too late," concluded another.

Not only in Deddy Corbuzier's Instagram column, netizens also gave warnings on Pandji Pragiwaksono's Instagram. "Bang, he said that BNN is waiting for you, Bro, Bro," wrote a netizen on Pandji's live broadcast.

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