
JAKARTA – Skin irritation is an unavoidable condition, especially when it is caused by unexpected things. Irritation of the skin is very likely to interfere with your activities. Sometimes it feels itchy, sore, and watery, but what is more important is knowing the trigger, dealing with it, and avoiding the trigger so that it doesn't happen again.

Skin irritation known as pruritus, which is generally caused by dry skin. Most often, pruritus is experienced by older adults. Dry skin with age because less collagen is naturally produced.

Reported by the Mayo Clinic, Friday, February 4, there are 5 other causes that trigger itchy skin, red, rough texture, there are bumps, spots, or blisters. If you experience these symptoms for more than two weeks and do not improve or even get worse, then consult a dermatologist, yes.

Causes of skin irritation 1. Skin conditions

The appearance of irritation symptoms, can be due to skin conditions, such as xerosis (dry skin), eczema (dermatitis), psoriasis, scabies, parasites, burns, insect bites, and scars.

penyebab dan cara mengatasi kulit iritasi
Illustration of the causes and ways to deal with irritated skin (Unsplash/Curology)
2. Internal medicine

To find out the cause at this point, it needs continuous examination. Because it requires blood tests, thyroid tests, liver and kidney function, and chest X-rays with X-rays to show lymph node conditions that can affect the skin.

Itching all over the body may be a symptom of liver disease, kidney disease, anemia, diabetes, thyroid problems, multiple myeloma or lymphoma.

3. Nervous disorders

Not only caused by mild triggers, itching and skin irritation can be one of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, pinched nerves, and herpes zoster.

4. Mental condition

Apparently, mental conditions also affect all body mechanisms. Conditions such as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depression also trigger itchy skin irritation.

5. Allergic reactions

Wool, chemicals, soaps, and irritants can irritate the skin, causing rashes and itching. Sometimes the chemicals in cosmetics also cause allergic reactions. In addition, certain drugs also trigger itchy skin.

How to deal with irritated skin needs to be adjusted to the cause. Well, to deal with it temporarily, reported by the American Academy of Dermatology Association (APA) can be in the following way.

How to deal with irritated skin 1. Cold cloth compress

The first way, you can compress the itchy skin area and rash with a cloth or ice pack. Do this for 5-10 minutes or until the itching subsides.

2. Oatmeal bath

Oatmeal baths can be very soothing, especially for blistered or oozing skin due to chickenpox, hives, sunburn or other irritating substances.

3. Moisturize skin

Skin moisturizer, it is necessary to choose one that is free from additives, fragrances, and perfumes. This is a way to reduce itching. In some sensitive skin conditions, fragrances and perfumes actually trigger irritation.

4. Avoid scratching

If scratched too hard can irritate the skin. Then take appropriate steps to deal with itching, such as the method described above or apply an ointment containing pramoxine. In addition, if irritation is experienced for more than 6 weeks, seeing a doctor and dermatologist is the most appropriate way.

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