
JAKARTA - An event to honor and dedicate to Munsyi, writer and culturalist Remy Sylado will be held on Friday, February 4 tomorrow. The event will be filled with prayers and auctions for Remy Sylado's paintings and poetry readings by Remy Sylado.

The event is planned to start at 16.00-17.30 WIB at the Small Theatre, Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Central Jakarta. Jose Rizal Manua, as Chair of the Organizing Committee for Prayer for Remy Sylado said, so far a number of names such as ANIES BASWEDAN (Governor of DKI Jakarta), Ganjar Pranowo (Governor of Central Java), Jajang C Noer, Reza Rahadian to President of Indonesian Poet Sutardji Calzoum Bachri have stated willingness to attend the event.

The five names above will certainly also read a number of poems by Remy Sylado. Among them are poems entitled Landscape Toba, Pasturel, Bunaken, Pena, Our Address, Is the Country Still, In the Way of Children, and All Beauty is Realized. years and genres," said Jose Rizal Manua in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 2.

The event will also be filled with paintings by a number of Remy Sylado's friends, such as Hanafi, Baron Basuning, Sitok Srengenge, Cak Kandar, Pandhik, AR Soedarto, Ramadhan Bauqie and many other names. In addition, the event is also planned to be attended by a number of other state officials, such as Bambang Soesatyo, Fadli Zon, and Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno.

"In the future, the results of the auction of paintings from a number of Remy Sylado's friends, the results in a certain percentage will be donated to the cost of recovering Remy Sylado's health," added Jose Rizal Mania.

The event will also be filled with Interfaith Prayers for Remy Sylado's recovery. Emmy Louisa Tambayong, Remy Sylado's wife, admitted that she was very happy and honored by holding this event.

"Remy Sylado is even very excited to take part in tomorrow's event, even though he has to get out of bed, he insists on reading his poetry," said Emmy Louisa Tambayong. Jose Rizal Manua even ensured that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government would provide an ambulance to pick up Remy Sylado from his residence, to be presented to the TIM.

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