
JAKARTA - Amanda Rawles' latest film, Dear Nathan: Thank You Salma presents a new issue, sexual violence in education. Nathan and Salma face problems when Nathan's best friend, Zanna (Indah Permatasari) is sexually assaulted.

“I think it's very interesting and I'm really happy to be able to be the message from what you want to convey and the issue of sexual harassment often occurs especially in the educational environment. It's rarely brought up by films, especially teen romance films that are very realistic, but also wrapped in a very thick romance," said Amanda.

The discussion process was carried out between the players and the team so that Amanda also learned something new from the production process of Dear Nathan. He also just found out that incidents like this have developed a lot in educational institutions but there has been no massive handling.

"In my opinion, sexual violence used to be for example being raped, I thought it was just like that, even though it's not like that even in relationships, sexual violence exists, that's why I only understand now that anything that happens without consent is considered sexual violence," he said.

Amanda Rawles also has a message that sexual violence is not the victim's fault. As long as it is not consent, then the act is sexual violence.

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