
JAKARTA - Rizky (55), who was praying at dawn, was surprised when he came out of the prayer room at his house. It turned out that water as high as his ankles had stagnated. He hurriedly woke his wife, Susy (54) who was sleeping in his room. It's just too late, it turned out that a puddle was already in the main bedroom and entered through the bathroom drain.

"I hope it won't flood until it enters the house. It turns out that the floods go inside. Finally, my wife and I were helped by my brother to clean up all our things," Rizky said when telling VOI at his house in Bintara Jaya Permai Housing, Bekasi, West Java, Wednesday, January 1.

Rizky, who has lived in this housing estate since 2005, admits that this is the worst flood he has felt. "This house has been elevated but it's still flooded like this," he said resignedly, adding that he had tried to save the things in his house by raising chairs or wooden beams.

floods that enter the house (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

Not only Rizky, Susy also told me that his cellphone had not stopped ringing. Not to receive happy New Year messages but neighbors to ask each other how each other's houses are.

"These cellphones keep ringing, the complex women tell me when there is a flood. They say that their car is submerged," said Susy, laughing while she was picking up things that had been flooded.

The rain, which lasted from 16.30 WIB on Tuesday, December 31 2019, continued until 08.30 WIB. The intensity is quite heavy and it doesn't seem like it's going to stop.

The VOI team who were on site and trapped could not go anywhere, said that in the house, the water level could reach as high as an adult's calf (with my ratio of 165cm). Meanwhile, outside the house, the water level can reach adult knees.

Water also carries various dirt and rubbish. The color is also brown and cloudy and is equipped with many insects that are carried by water such as cockroaches and other small animals.

A puddle has entered the main room (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

The flood hit Jabodetabek

Not only in the Bintara Jaya area, in the morning around 04.00 WIB, one of the residents of the Jatimulya Housing, Jatimulya Village, Tambun District, Bekasi Regency reported that there was a flood at his house. This was conveyed by BPBD DKI Jakarta through a written statement.

Not only that, the heavy rains that occurred overnight also caused an increase in surface water in rivers and floods in several places.

BPBD DKI Jakarta has monitored, since 05:40 WIB a number of floodgates have entered the alert level. For example, the Karet Water Gate (West Flood Canal) has now reached 190 cm in height and the Jembatan Merah Water Gate (Ciliwung) which is currently on standby status.

In addition, for the floodgates that have been recorded as having entered into second alert, are the Manggarai Sluice Gate, which now has a height of 925 cm, the Kali Duri Water Pump (Kalijodo), which has a water height of 291 cm.

"Water Gate Marina Ancol (Sea) 190 cm and 3 alert, Fish Market Pump (Sea) 171 cm is also on three alert, PS Pesanggarahan 188 cm, PS Sunter 186 cm, Istiqlal Sluice Gate 291 cm, Sluice HEK (East Kali Baru) 180 cm on standby, "as quoted from a written statement from BPBD DKI Jakarta, Wednesday, January 1.

Meanwhile for Katulampa Weir (Hulu Ciliwung), BPBD DKI Jakarta recorded a normal water level of 40 cm.

In his written statement, BPBD DKI Jakarta also gave an early warning so that residents in the river basin should be alert and alert if floods hit at any time.

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