
Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) have a big role in collecting divisions for the country. Remittance funds sent by PMI to their families in the country reached Rp. 159.6 trillion per year before COVID-19. This number, said the Head of the Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Agency (BP2MI), Benny Rhamdani, is the second largest after the oil and gas sector. This fact proves that the title of foreign exchange hero for them really deserves to be pinned.


To coincide with the commemoration of International Migrant Workers' Day on December 18, 2021, the government gave a special gift, namely the inauguration of a special VVIP lounge facility for PMI at Terminal 3 Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten. "Today, in commemoration of International Migrant Workers Day, President Joko Widodo officially gave the best and most special gift to PMIs in the form of various VVIP facilities," said the Head of BP2MI, Benny Rhamdani during the inauguration.

This news cannot be separated from PMI's contribution to the country. The amount of foreign exchange sent to PMI to Indonesia needs to be appreciated. “PMI is the second largest after the oil and gas sector in contributing to foreign exchange for the country. Every year the amount of remittances that PMI sends to their families in the country reaches Rp. 159.6 trillion in 1999 or before COVID-19. In 2020 the contribution of PMI is Rp. 130.2 trillion, in 2021 it is Rp. 127.4 trillion. So it is not wrong if PMI is called a foreign exchange hero," he said.

The appreciation for PMI by the government, said Benny Rhamdani, is not just lip service. Because this is a direct mandate from President Jokowi. "Why is all this given to PMI, this was President Jokowi's request when I was appointed as Head of BP2MI. He was already fed up with the various extortion and exploitation practices that occurred at PMI. The President is very emotional about this PMI. He doesn't want to hear about PMI being blackmailed again when he returns home," he said.

Benny is indeed working hard to fulfill President Jokowi's wishes. He directs his staff at BP2MI to provide plenary services for PMI. There is a call center that is on standby 24 hours to hear and receive complaints from PMI spread across various countries. “This is a call center room and its officers are ready to serve PMI complaints at any time. We are ready to accept and find solutions to their complaints," he said showing a special room in blue with the name Command Center in the BP2MI Building.

Still in the same room, there is another room which is a realtime data center that accommodates PMI data. Where do you come from and what country are you in. "I'll show you one more room that not just anyone is allowed to enter. Come with me," he said. “From here we can monitor a PMI from where he came from, where his house. Also in which country does he work, what is his salary and who is his employer and so on. Here, we have all the data, but for legal PMIs, I'm sorry that there are no illegal data," he said.

From that room, it can also be seen how far a PMI complaint or complaint is processed by BP2MI officers. PMI can find out to what extent the complaint is processed and who is handling the case. Benny Rhamdani explained about the problems faced by PMI, the opportunities that PMI could do to the appreciation given by the state to those who hold the title of foreign exchange heroes. This is an excerpt from his interview with Iqbal Irsyad, Edy Suherli, Savic Rabos and Rifai from VOI at the BP2MI office not long ago.

Kepala BP2MI Benny Rhamdani mengataka banyak ruginya saat PMI tidak mendaftar atau ilegal. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)
The head of BP2MI, Benny Rhamdani, said that he would lose a lot when PMI did not register or was illegal. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

What are the crucial problems faced by PMI so far?

In the field, the problem is very complex. There are dynamic changes every day, week and month. Regarding the placement to the destination country, the regulations are also very dynamic. Regarding the placement of illegal PMI, the syndicates that are playing are getting more sophisticated. They can and have a way to circumvent the rule of law made by the state to protect PMI.

This complex problem must be faced, first there must be a commitment. The commitment of BP2MI, Ministries and Institutions, is in accordance with the mandate they have under the law. This requires a serious commitment to implement it in the field. Second, only people who have integrity can carry out that commitment. I call it there are many cursed satanic temptations in the field on our side from BP2MI. They continue to try to invite them to be part of the dirty interest in placing PMI. It can happen at any time and in any way.

And third, how the management and placement of PMI will get better, by making regulations so that they can be a guide for anyone who wants to work abroad. This matter is clearly regulated in Article 27 of the 1945 Constitution, every citizen has the right to get a job and a decent living.

So every citizen has the right to get a job both at home and abroad?

Yes, it is the right of citizens to work including working abroad. The state cannot prohibit or determine whether or not a person can work abroad. What the state must do is regulate governance so that protection for PMI can be better. The state must direct everyone who works abroad officially. This is at the same time to deter anyone who tries to place PMI illegally or illegally.

Efforts to send PMI illegally keep happening, because there is a big advantage from it, how to deal with this?

Our country is at war with those who seek to unofficially place PMIs. They are already a syndicate, their work goes directly to the villages luring anyone who wants to work abroad in a fast way. The benefits they can get are fantastic. The PMI that departed unofficially was outside of state monitoring. The state never knows which country they work in, with whom, what their salary is and so on.

Currently, there are 4.4 million PMI official or registered in the data collection system at BP2MI. For those listed, it's clear which country he works in, with whom, how much is his salary and what company he is sent to, and where he lives.

Setiap warga negara kata Kepala BP2MI Benny Rhamdani berhak atas pekerjaan yang layak. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)
Every citizen, said the Head of BP2MI, Benny Rhamdani, has the right to decent work. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

The legal PMI is 4.4 million, how many are unofficial?

Data from the World Bank says there are 9 million PMIs. This means that the unofficial 4.6 million. They are not registered in the state system and there are many risks.

What are the risks for illegal PMI?

Illegal PMIs are vulnerable to exploitation, physical violence, sexual violence, their salaries are not paid. Then unilateral termination of employment can also occur, because there is no clear employment contract, they are traded from one employer to another. Working hours can be more than 8 hours a day. ABK ( crew members ) who are illegal when they die on duty are immediately thrown into the ocean . This informal PMI can cause problems later on.

Unless they have reported to the Indonesian Embassy in the country where they work. They will be advocated, handling cases and assisted in repatriation to Indonesia. The great thing about this country is that when PMI has problems, the state no longer has a dichotomy between legal and illegal PMI. The highest law is the safety of every citizen. When they arrive in their homeland, the next process is the responsibility of BP2MI.

What is the PMI placement scheme like so far?

Each country has its own policies and rules. Indonesia must have cooperation when it wants to place PMI into a country. First, the placement scheme can be government to government between state and state. For example, Indonesia and Korea, Indonesia and Japan, etc. Then the second is G to P (Government to Private) between the country and the company in the country of placement. Third, there is Private to Private between companies in Indonesia and companies in other countries. In the case of Malaysia the largest is P to P. And fourth, there is an independent scheme, people who have enough knowledge to find their own work and tie their own contracts. Fifth, there is the UKPS scheme, for example, our SOE called WIKA, has a project in a country. They will send their workers to the country. Both the fourth and fifth schemes are required to report to the state system so that PMI can be monitored and protected.

How to optimize PMI abroad for our economic growth?

This PMI has the potential to help economic growth, become part of the economic growth ecosystem. They can market domestic products to people in the environment where they work. I once offered the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, to make PMI a tourism ambassador. And this idea was accepted and there is an MoU between us and Kemenparekraf. If PMI is successful in its promotion, it will not only become a foreign exchange earner but also contribute to the growth of the tourism sector. This can be expanded to other sectors.

PMI is one of the sectors that contributes a large amount of foreign exchange, how big is the contribution?

PMI is the second largest after the oil and gas sector in contributing to foreign exchange for the country. Every year the amount of remittances that PMI sends to their families in the country reaches Rp. 159.6 trillion in 1999 or before COVID-19. In 2020 the contribution of PMI is RP130.2 trillion, in 2021 it is 127.4 trillion. So it is not wrong if PMI is called a foreign exchange hero.

Regarding PMI being unable to compete with workers from the Philippines, for example, their skills are better and their English is more fluent, how do you see this condition?

I once asked representatives of foreign countries that were the targets of PMI expansion. They say they like PMI because they are diligent, clean, and have a good attitude. Our weakness with Filipino workers is English. But when compared to workers from India, Nepal, Thailand, Bangladesh, Vietnam, we dare to compete.

What occupation sectors dominate PMI shipments and which countries are the most placements?

The most dominant sector is the informal sector of domestic workers, followed by plantations, industry, restaurants and hotels. For destination countries other than Malaysia, there are Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, and Italy.

Violence against PMI happens and happens again, how to solve this problem?

Law No. 18 of 2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers has divided the duties and responsibilities of various parties. Starting from the Village, Regency/City governments to the Ministry of Manpower and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and BP2MI. Everyone collaborates to protect PMI.

What about the case of contract extension carried out by PMI after the contract period expired at another company in the country of work without reporting it to BP2MI?

This case is quite high, and the rules in the country of placement always allow people to extend contracts without the person returning to their homeland. The problem is that our PMI is not disciplined, they extend the contract without reporting it to our system. What was previously legal turned illegal, because there were no reports of where he worked and with whom.

How does the government appreciate PMI?

We provide a variety of services for PMI. I often accompany PMI who will be assigned to a country. There is a special lounge for PMI at Soetta airport, the next one will be made at several other airports. Then there is a special route for PMI when it arrives, so far this route is only for the diplomatic corps, ministers, members of the DPR RI. This is the government's concern for PMI which has contributed to the country. PMI now gets a letter of credential that can be given to the employer they work for. This is like what ambassadors do when serving in a country.

Why is all this being given to PMI, this was President Jokowi's request when I was appointed as Head of BP2MI. He was already fed up with various extortion and exploitation practices at PMI. The president is very emotional about PMI. He didn't want to hear about PMI being blackmailed again when he returned home. In addition, there are also bank loans for PMI with low interest rates. KTA BNI, KUR PMI to help. This collaboration and the state is really here to help PMI. We must fight syndicates that use PMI to seek their own gain.

This is Benny Rhamdani's priority when carrying out his duties
Kepala BP2MI Benny Rhamdani akan memprioritaskan urusan PMI di atas kepentingan keluarga. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)
Head of BP2MI Benny Rhamdani will prioritize PMI affairs over family interests. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

As a public official, the Head of BP2MI Benny Rhamdani is aware that his life is based on salaries and public money. Therefore, the interests of the people are a priority for him. He will sacrifice the interests of his wife and children above the interests of the people. According to him, this is the consequence of a public official, absolute dedication to the people.

“Why have I prioritized the interests of the people so much? Because I was paid from public money. I can eat, drink and support my wife and children from the salary I receive. The source is from the state and one of the state's revenues is from people's taxes. So I have to prioritize the interests of the people who finance my life,” he reasoned.

In a slightly exaggerated term, Benny said that he would sacrifice and usurp the interests of the family for the sake of the people. “In fact, I dare say that we as public officials must be ready to sacrifice, even rob the wife and children's rights for the benefit of the people. When people need it, children and wives must understand," said the man who was born in Bandung on March 3, 1968.

With this attitude he must understand his family members in order to understand the principles he holds. "Indeed they have the right to enjoy a beautiful day on holiday or Saturday-Sunday with me. They have the right to go with me to tourist attractions, enjoy natural scenery, beach views and others. Or my child wants to go to their usual entertainment venues. But all of that cannot be done with me when there is a sudden need, for example, our PMI has a problem," said the man who has carried out the mandate as a member of the legislature, then as a Member of the DPD RI and now the Head of BP2MI.

At that time, Benny's attention was on the problem in front of him. As head of BP2MI he cannot remain silent. "I have to go down and pay attention, gatherings or holidays with my wife and children have to be postponed to another day, or if it can't be postponed I can't come with my wife and children," continued Benny, who often sacrifices his time off to handle PMI affairs. .


Kepala BP2MI Benny Rhamdani  memberikan perhatian khusus pada PMI atas perintah Presiden Jokowi. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)
Head of BP2MI Benny Rhamdani paid special attention to PMI on the orders of President Jokowi. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

The problems faced by PMI are unpredictable. Sometimes on weekdays and not infrequently on weekends. “Serving the community, especially PMI, cannot be determined by working days from Monday to Friday. Sometimes on Saturdays when I get a report that there is a problem, our PMI brother in a country has a problem. I had to go down when I heard that the shelter was full and other problems that arose," he said.

And the problems faced by PMI, Benny continued, are not only about work, sometimes non-work issues are also a problem. “The problems faced by migrant workers are sometimes not related to their work. We also have to serve personal problems and help find solutions," he continued.

Benny's services to PMIs scattered throughout the country open up the widest possible space to receive input, complaints and so on. Although there are already call center officers who are on standby 24 hours, he still provides time for PMIs.

Social media is now growing rapidly and is also used to communicate with PMI. “I regularly go to live Facebook and Instagram to communicate with migrant workers. That's my own account. Through the media I can hear their complaints directly. I also received information directly from PMIs. Because it's not through a third person, I can immediately take action with the team at BP2MI," he said.


Komunikasi dengan keluarga kata Kepala BP2MI Benny Rhamdani  adalah hal penting yang ia lakukan di tengah kesibukannya. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)
Communication with family, said the Head of BP2MI, Benny Rhamdani, is an important thing he does in the midst of his busy schedule. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

In the midst of your busy schedule, serving PMI, how do you maintain your health? “Many people ask why I stay healthy and stay strong, because I almost work without time. Alhamdulillah this is God's gift to me. Allah takes care of me, I leave everything to Allah SWT. I am still given health so that I can carry out the tasks assigned to me, serving the people," said Benny Rhamdani, who did not believe the various multivitamins advertised in various media.

A man who when he was young was active in organizing and becoming a football player. He joined the PS Unoson club based in Manado. “In 1993 I played at GBK in a club competition, my position was as a striker. At that time there were three clubs in the top 3; Tapanuli Tiger, Perbanas and PS Unoson. But when I injured my leg, I had to quit as a football player. Now playing football for fun, looking for sweat to be healthy," said the man who can't forget football.

Communication is an important thing for Benny to maintain his relationship with his family amidst his busy schedule. “I really don't have enough intensity to meet my family. I optimize communication, make phone calls and others," said an alumnus of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, North Sulawesi (1989-1997).

There is a message from his parents who served in the TNI, which he always remembers. "To fulfill your responsibility to your family, all you have to do is sacrifice yourself, to take responsibility for the state, sacrifice yourself and your wife and children," he said. "Whether I'm doing this wrong, I don't know. I just leave everything to Allah SWT," added the Deputy Chairperson of the 2019-2024 Hanura Party OKK DPP.

For young people who are pioneering their future, he advised them to be ready to face globalization. “I quote from Samuel P. Huntington's book The Clash of Civilizations. To face globalization and modernization, we can only prepare with religious and cultural resilience. Religious values will control and make our lives good. Culture can maintain our identity as a civilized society,” said the Director of TKN Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin in the 2019 presidential election.

Benny Rhamdani does not agree with young people who overestimate Western culture. “We must be proud of the culture and capabilities of our nation and country. This is what will encourage us to do something that is always the best for the nation and state," he said.

“Why have I prioritized the interests of the people so much? Because I was paid from public money. I can eat, drink and support my wife and children from the salary I receive. The source is from the state and one of the state's revenues is from people's taxes. So I have to put the interests of the people who finance my life first.”

Benny Rhamdani

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