JAKARTA - Preparing provisions for homecoming is an important step in addition to ensuring the health of yourself and the condition of the vehicle. With the right provisions, trips to the hometown can be more comfortable and healthy.
Clinical nutrition specialist Dr. dr. Luciana B Sutanto MS Sp.GK Subsp PK advises travelers to bring healthy food to maintain body fitness during the trip.
The doctor who works at Mitra Kemayoran Hospital emphasized the importance of paying attention to the meal schedule during the homecoming trip.
"Keep eating according to your daily schedule, even though adjustments can be made. The most important thing is to keep a healthy diet, which is to eat every three hours with complete meals and healthy snacks," he said.
In addition to food, liquid intake also needs to be considered, with the recommended consumption of eight glasses of water per day or more if physical activity increases and causes a lot of sweating.
For trips that take a long time, travelers are advised to bring food with a balanced nutritional content. These containers should be stored in an air catchable container to keep them fresh and not stale quickly.
"Prepared food should be packaged in a portion of one meal so that it is not taken repeatedly from the same container. Another option is to bring more durable dry food," he explained.
If you want to bring fruit, he suggests bringing whole fruit that has not been peeled. If you choose cut fruit, it is better to store it in a container with a cooler to keep it fresh.
Doctor Luciana also reminded travelers to avoid foods that have the potential to cause digestive problems, such as foods that are too spicy or acidic.
In addition, he advised travelers to bring water in a large container and pour it into a small glass or container when they want to drink, rather than directly drinking from a large container to maintain cleanliness.
During the trip, travelers are encouraged to meet the needs of fluids with water or mineral water, and avoid high- sugar drinks. He also advised not to eat ice or cold drinks to prevent digestive problems during the homecoming trip.
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