
The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) noted an increase in the number of passengers on domestic routes during the Lebaran 2025 homecoming period. This increase is in line with the policy of decreasing ticket prices for domestic economic aircraft.

For your information, the government implemented a flight ticket policy of 13 to 14 percent during the 2025 Lebaran flow and homecoming. This discount is valid for 15 days, namely for flights from March 24 to April 7, 2025, with ticket purchase periods from March 1 to April 7, 2025.

Based on the daily report of the 2025 Integrated Eid Transportation Center, the movement of domestic air transport passengers on March 24, 2025 or D-7 reached 200,401 passengers, an increase of 7.7 percent compared to 2024.

Cumulatively, the total domestic passenger from March 21 to March 24, 2025 or D-10 to D-7 reached 722,439 passengers, an increase of 9.3 percent compared to the same period last year.

Head of the Bureau of Communication and Public Information Budi Rahardjo said the policy to reduce ticket prices aims to ease travel costs for people who want to go home, as well as encourage increased mobility during the Eid period.

Furthermore, Budi said that with the decrease in ticket prices, it is hoped that the public can enjoy a more affordable, comfortable, and safe journey during the Lebaran 2025 homecoming period.

"We see the public's high enthusiasm for this policy. The decrease in ticket prices has helped increase flight accessibility for travelers, which has an impact on a significant increase in the number of air transport passengers," Budi said in an official statement, Tuesday, March 25.

Budi revealed that several main airports recorded the highest increase in domestic passenger numbers. Soekarno-Hatta Airport (CGK) recorded 56,060 passengers as of March 24, 2025, an increase of 7 percent compared to last year.

Meanwhile, the domestic flight route with the highest number of passengers is Jakarta-Medan (CGK-KNO) with 5,487 passengers with a 98.60 percent load factor.

Budi said the Ministry of Transportation continues to coordinate with airport airlines and authorities to ensure smooth homecoming and maintain flight timeliness.

"So far, the level of timeliness of domestic flights has reached 82.47 percent, while international flights have reached 86.81 percent," said Budi.

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