
The Bulog for the Central Kalimantan Region (Central Kalimantan) ensures that food availability, especially rice for the local province is safe and sufficient.

Head of the Bulog Office for the Central Kalimantan Region, Budi Sultika, said that not only for the Christmas and New Year 2025 periods, rice stocks have resilience for the next five months.

"Currently, the total stock in us for Central Kalimantan is around 9,700 tons. We ensure that the distribution is around 1,500 tons per month for the stabilization and supply of food prices (SPHP) as well as food assistance which is currently running at around 1,117 tons, so for the next five months, stock and prices will be stable," he explained as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, December 13.

The selling price of Bulog rice from medium to premium to premium to the public ranges from Rp. 12,000 per kilogram to Rp. 14,000-Rp. 15,000 per kilogram.

This price is still below the price of rice in the market, which reaches up to around Rp. 16,000 per kilogram.

Then for other strategic food commodities, namely 89 tons of sugar, more than 49,000 liters of cooking oil, to six tons of beef.

"Our team in 13 regencies and 1 city in Central Kalimantan continues to monitor the development of supply and availability, to ensure the availability, affordability and stability of food in the community. So that people welcome Christmas and New Year 2025 comfortably," he added.

Referring to his evaluation and observations of current market conditions, he is still under control, relatively safe and still quite stable.

Meanwhile, the Central Kalimantan Food Security Service (Disanpang) also continues to oversee the supply and availability of strategic food, including ahead of Christmas and New Year's 2025.

"Facing religious holidays, such as Christmas this December, we always monitor and strive to maintain food availability," said Acting Head of Central Kalimantan Kadishangang, Elfiansyah.

He explained that the team from Central Kalimantan Dishanpang always monitors various food commodities, ranging from rice, chilies, shallots, meat, and others.

"The price of these food commodities is quite volatile, adjusting supply and availability," he said.

So far, his condition is still quite stable and under control. According to him, even if there is an increase or a decrease in prices, it is normal, as long as it is still within reasonable limits.

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