
Bank Indonesia (BI) Jambi Province is optimistic that the economy of this region in 2024 will continue to grow strong to reach 4.60 percent (year on year/yoy).

Deputy Head of the Jambi Province BI Representative Office Mukti Rigowo, in Jambi, Saturday, said Jambi's economic growth in 2024 is expected to remain solid with a range of 3.80 percent to 4.60 percent (yoy) in line with optimism for macroeconomic stability and continuing strategic investment.

"BI Jambi Province also invites all parties to continue to synergize in facing various challenges in the future in order to create an inclusive, stable, and sustainable regional economy," he said.

Bi also invites policy makers to prepare policy steps in the regions in anticipating increasingly serious challenges through strengthening synergies to accelerate and optimize regional spending, in order to encourage economic growth and support control of inflation in the regions.

In addition, strengthening policy coordination with the central government, regional governments, and strategic partners from TPIP and TPID by continuing to optimize GNPIP.

Policy stakeholders, he said, need to ensure the sustainability of structural reforms to increase regional economic competitiveness and other specific things that are the focus on maintaining price stability in the regions and efforts to encourage inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

BI emphasized the importance of policy synergy to maintain macroeconomic stability and support Jambi's economic transformation.

Throughout 2024, Jambi Province's economy grew by 4.01 percent (yoy) in the third quarter driven by increased trade activity, investment in strategic infrastructure projects, and solid domestic consumption.

Jambi inflation in the third quarter was successfully controlled at the level of 1.95 percent (yoy), showing the success of synergy in controlling inflation through various programs such as High Level Meeting (HLM), coordination meetings, market inspections, and low-cost market operations.

BI, he said again, supports regional economic growth through the development of the real sector, sharia economy, and digitization. Various innovations were carried out, such as empowering MSMEs in the tourism sector, expanding the use of QRIS, and managing sustainable rupiah money.

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