JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said that there will be two toll roads that will function ahead of the Christmas and New Year 2023 holidays, namely the South Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek II) toll road and the Solo-Yogyakarta-Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) toll road.
"The toll roads that can be used on Nataru 2023 are the South Cikampek II Toll Road for the Kutanegara-Sadang section and the Solo-Yogyakarta-Yogyakarta-Bandara YIA Segmen Keratanan-Karaganom Toll Road," Basuki said in a working meeting (raker) with Commission V DPR RI at the Senayan Parliament Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 21.
Basuki said, in Lebaran 2022, the Solo-Yogyakarta-YIA Toll Road had only been used up to the Pakis Segment.
"For Nataru this year, God willing, it can function up to the Karanganom Segment along 13 km," he said.
Regarding the readiness of toll roads for Christmas and New Year this year, said Basuki, his party has also widened the Cikampek-Palimanan Toll Road at KM 71 to KM 85 to anticipate traffic flow from the Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan (Cisumdawu) Toll Road.
He said that currently the progress of widening the toll road has reached 95 percent and is targeted for completion on D-10 Nataru.
"This toll road can be used during D-10 Christmas and New Year," he said.
For your information, based on data from the Ministry of PUPR, the total length of toll roads that have been operating throughout Indonesia has reached 2,816 km.
The toll roads that have been operating are spread over Java Island along 1,782 km, Sumatra Island along 865 km, Kalimantan Island along 92 km, Sulawesi Island along 62 km, and Bali Island along 10 km.
The PUPR Ministry also targets the toll roads that operate until the end of 2023 to reach 410 km. As for November 2023, toll roads that have been inaugurated or operated have reached 218 km.
Then the remaining 193 km will be operated at the Nataru 2023 momentum.
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