
JAKARTA - Special Economic Zones (SEZs) also have economic impacts in various fields, ranging from labor absorption, empowerment of the surrounding community, empowerment of MSMEs, increasing economic activity, increasing regional GDRB from business activities in SEZs, to forming new economic centers in the region.

Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Susiwijono Moegiarso, as Plt. The Secretary General of the National Council of SEZ, emphasized the importance of increasing exposure through socialization and reporting on positive prospects and impacts as well as various SEZ achievements, so as to be able to make SEZ an attractive investment destination for investors.

Susiwijono said that the development of the SEZ area is one of the Government's mainstays in increasing economic growth and attracting investment.

"Therefore, we are discussing how important this is to continue to communicate, not only to the public, the wider community, what is more important is investors and potential investors," said Susiwijono in his statement, Sunday, November 12.

Susiwijono said that the presence of the SEZ is certainly expected to build economic capabilities and competitiveness at the national level through strategic sectors with added value.

The number of SEZs in Indonesia is in line with the high investment needs. Currently, there are 20 regions that have been designated as SEZs, consisting of 10 Industrial SEZs, 9 Tourism SEZs, and 1 Health and Tourism SEZ.

The implementation of facilities and convenience in SEZs that are increasingly being provided, has proven to have a positive impact on SEZ competitiveness as an investment destination. Cumulatively, SEZs have recorded an investment value of IDR 140 trillion and absorbed 86,273 workers from 318 business actors. In addition to levering competitiveness, the implementation of facilities with convenience in SEZs also has a significant impact on increasing business optimization for business actors in SEZs.

In addition, various international-class activities have also been held in several Tourism SEZs such as the implementation of MotoGP and World Superbike (WSBK) at the Mandalika SEZ which will be held in 2022 and in October 2023 it will be held again.

Then, the Tanjung Kelayang SEZ has also held several international high-level meetings, one of which is the G20 Development Ministerial Meeting.

Susiwijono said that the number of types and numbers of strategic areas in Indonesia also has the potential to cause biased information in the community and can even create a different understanding between Ministries/Institutions. Therefore, harmonization and synchronization are needed, including setting clear criteria and targets.

In addition, several areas also have facilities/incentives that intersect, so it is necessary to sharpen targets.

Furthermore, Susiwijono underlined that the important role of all stakeholders including the country's media is very much needed. Without proper and harmonious public communication, various efforts made by the Government through the SEZ will not provide maximum results, especially if certain stigma has emerged in the community.

"We ask for help from our media friends here, then friends from the Head of the Public Relations Bureau from all over the K/L, please help us together prepare public communication to encourage the development of SEZs in the future," said Susiwijono

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