
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is seeking instructions from the president (inpres) regarding drinking water and sanitation. This is to accelerate household connections from water treatment installations (IPA) throughout Indonesia.

"I think in the future, we will strive for the inpres for drinking water and sanitation in order to accelerate the household connection from a number of water treatment plants (IPA) that we have built. About 6.8 million house connections (SR) that we will work on through the inpres for drinking water and sanitation," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono to reporters at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, quoted on Saturday, November 4.

Minister Basuki said this had been reported to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and was currently in the formulation stage.

"This is being formulated by the inpres, the inpres has been approved by the president two weeks ago, the inpres is now being prepared," he said.

He said the amount of budget planned in the water and sanitation inpres is around Rp. 16.6 trillion.

Later the inpres can make a drinking water connection from IPA-IPA which has been built to household connections (SR) throughout Indonesia, with the main target in four (4) provinces.

"In terms of water and sanitation, the total requirement is Rp. 16.6 trillion. So, it doesn't build an IPA, but it is to connect to the house so that a total of 6.8 million house connections can be installed," said Basuki.

"Especially, for sanitation that we have just inaugurated in Palembang, Jambi, Makasar, and Pekanbaru. That is usually the household connection by the local government, now because we are slow, we want to use intervention with the inpres," he added.

Basuki targets the inpres to take effect in 2024 and will be assisted by the world bank.

"Yes, next year it will take effect. Earlier (world banks) came, it would be reimbursement. So, like the Program for Results Financing (PforR). So, if we have received the cost, it will be checked according to the criteria. later reimbursement to the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu)," he concluded.

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