
JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) together with the Self Regulatory Organization (SRO) again held the Capital Market Summit & Expo (CMSE) 2023 with the theme 'I Am A Share Investor'. This event is one of the efforts of capital market stakeholders to increase stock literacy, inclusiveness, and investment, to the public.

The event, which was held on October 26-28, 2023, also presented the concept of an online expo with a seminar that will be broadcast live through the IDX YouTube channel.

As one of the main series of events in CMSE 2023, a ceremonial event with the theme Pembukaan Perdagangan in the context of Launching Literacy and Inclusion for the Banking Industry' was held on Friday 27 October at the Main Hall of the Indonesia Stock Exchange Building.

Bank DKI was appointed as a joint BPD representative of Bank BUMN, Sharia Banks and Private Banks, represented by Bank BNI, Bank Muamalat, and Bank BCA, by symbolically pressing the button simultaneously to mark a joint commitment to the declaration of literacy and capital market inclusion for 10,000 employees in the banking industry.

Director of Technology & Operations of Bank DKI concurrently Acting (Plt.) President Director of Bank DKI, Amirul Wicaksono, is enthusiastic about the synergy between the IDX, SRO and the banking industry in an effort to increase capital market literacy and inclusion through education.

"As a first step, we realized through the establishment of the Digital Investment Gallery, ceremonially carried out by signing a Cooperation Agreement between Bank DKI, IDX and PT CGS-CIMB Sekuritas Indonesia, which is a means of accessing capital market information and facilitating stock exchange investment access for employee/employee bases, as well as customers/investors," explained Amirul.

The Digital Investment Gallery is a digital Investment Gallery and does not require facilities in the form of a special room. The purpose of establishing a Digital Investment Gallery includes: introducing an early capital market, providing understanding and practice of investing in the capital market, facilitating access to publication data regarding the development of the capital market, as well as one of the means of direct capital market transactions.

In addition, the Digital Investment Gallery can also carry out activities offline/face-to-face according to conditions and needs.

In line with that, Bank DKI Corporate Secretary, Arie Rinaldi, feels that the initiative to establish the DKI Bank Digital Investment Gallery is an innovative and progressive step in in introducing various capital market investment products for customers and the wider community.

"Bank DKI hopes that this Digital Investment Gallery can provide optimal benefits for employees, customers and the community, including by investing in the capital market, which can encourage people's financial welfare so that it has an impact on overall economic growth," Arie added.

Arie also invited employees and customers to visit the Bank DKI Digital Investment Gallery to feel for themselves the benefits of knowledge and management of their investment products.

The Implementation Of CMSE 2023 Was Enlivened By 17,446 Visitors

Quoted from the official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange, IDX Development Director Jeffrey Hendrik in the closing report of CMSE 2023 on Saturday, October 28, said that the implementation of CMSE 2023 was greeted with great enthusiasm by all Indonesian capital market stakeholders. It was recorded that out of 65 booths filled by 83 exhibitions, and there were 9 seminars and 1 Go Public workshop that were always filled with spectators.

During the 3 days of implementation, as many as 50 resource persons and moderators have been present to share knowledge as well as investment experience, recorded 8,444 parties who have registered to the website. The total number of visitors participating in the 2023 CMSE series is 17,446, consisting of 10,101 times the total number of visitors who were physically present and 7,345 viewers attended the seminar session in the 2023 CMSE series online via YouTube.

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