
JAKARTA - PT Majoris Asset Management (Majoris), an Investment Manager company, together with, the leading digital investment application in Indonesia, reaffirm their commitment to corporate social responsibility. Recently, Bibit and Majoris deliver donations through the “Majoris x Bibit Berbagi Kasih kepada Yayasan Bhakti Luhur” program.

The donation of Rp40 million was presented on behalf of Majoris and Bibit's management to representatives of Bhakti Luhur Foundation, which focuses on the rehabilitation of children with special needs in its activities. According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, there were approximately 2,2 million children aged 5-19 years with disabilities as of August 2021. Of that amount, only 12,26 percent received formal education.

"The presence of Majoris and Bibit today is undoubtedly to share happiness with these truly special and high-spirited children. In the future, we will continue to carry out these sharing activities sustainably as a form of our care to others," said Adrian, Head of Operation at Majoris.

Meanwhile, Bibit Product Marketing Lead Olivia Budiono expressed that Bibit's involvement in the “Berbagi Kasih” program is a manifestation of the company's commitment to making a positive contribution to the community, especially those in need of compassion, on an ongoing basis.

"We are grateful for being able to collaborate with Majoris Asset Management. We hope that this initiative could bring positive change to the children. From our company side, we are committed to continuing our involvement in similar programs because we care and want to contribute as part of our social responsibility," said Olivia.

On the other hand, Bibit PR & Corporate Communication Lead William added that as a digital investment application used by nearly five million investors in Indonesia, Bibit continuously innovates to provide the best services to its users in more than 500 cities across Indonesia.

At the beginning of 2023, Bibit introduced the Bibit Bisnis feature aimed at companies and business owners, including startup founders. Bibit observed that one of the problems faced by business owners is their idle cash that are not optimally managed. For instance, as a company's assets grow, many business owners find themselves puzzled as they cannot optimize their idle cash effectively. Meanwhile, they are also hesitant to take risks with company funds.

The Bibit Bisnis feature was introduced to help companies optimize their surplus funds by investing in high-quality mutual fund products from various top Investment Managers in Indonesia. By investing in mutual funds, companies can achieve returns of up to 3-7 percent on their idle cash. If there is a sudden need for business funds, investments can be withdrawn at any time without penalties. All of this can be done without a minimum placement amount, transaction fees, or administrative fees at Bibit.

At the end of March 2023, Bibit introduced Bibit Plus to make the purchase Fixed Rate (FR) Government Bonds easier for the entire community. In terms of security, FR Bonds is a safe investment instrument as the Indonesian government guarantees 100 percent of both principal and coupon payments. Unlike deposits that are guaranteed by the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) and have a maximum limit of IDR 2 billion per bank per customer, the investment amount in FR Bonds is guaranteed by the state without a maximum limit.

"In terms of price, Bibit are also highly competitive. The purchase price is lower, allowing investors to obtain higher yields. The selling price is also higher, resulting in a narrower bid-ask spread. Moreover, there are no hidden fees for investing in FR Bonds at Bibit," William concluded.

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