
JAKARTA - Safe Wallet in collaboration with the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) launched the Safe Financial Literacy (AFL) program which aims to empower women and young people throughout Indonesia to achieve financial success in the future.

Dompet Aman CEO Salina Nordin explained that this AFL program is not only literacy, but also provides opportunities for developing relevant skills and providing access to jobs in the financial industry.

"The AFL mission is to instill confidence in program participants to make the right financial decisions, choose the best investment options, and explore opportunities in the financial industry that continue to grow rapidly," Salina said in her remarks at the launch of AFL at Main Hall. Indonesia Stock Exchange, Monday, October 9.

Salina explained, this program offers access to the best resources, guidelines for security and financial success, as well as facilitated by experts and professionals with industry experience.

"For the next five years, through this AFL Program, Dompet Aman is optimistic that it can have a positive impact on 5 million women, 50,000 national athletes, and 250,000 young Indonesians, as well as facilitate their journey to a higher level of financial literacy so that it can strengthen Indonesia's financial industry and have a significant impact on the development of the Indonesian economy," Salina continued.

The AFL program offers a variety of interactive workshops, inspiring seminars, educational games, investment simulations, latest news, market updates, and many other features that participants can take advantage of.

The participants will gain invaluable financial insight and knowledge and equip them to navigate the financial landscape with confidence.

Director of Indonesia Stock Exchange Development, Jeffrey Hendrik, said that the collaboration between the IDX and PT Dompet Aman Indonesia was part of an initiative to encourage increased literacy and public understanding of investment in the capital market.

"This literacy is especially for Indonesian women and youth who are members or users of Safe Wallet, in order to avoid fraudulent investments that are rampant," said Jeffrey.

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