
JAKARTA - The Indonesian government through the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) held a BUMN Career Day in London.

The event was held to attract outstanding young Indonesian talents who are currently studying and who are working abroad to work in the country.

The seminar on careers at BUMN and the opportunity to walk-in interviews for Indonesian students studying in England was held on Friday, October 6, 2023.

SOE Minister Erick Thohir said that the transformation of SOEs actually requires the best talent or talent from Indonesia's young generation to improve the economy in the country.

In addition, continued Erick, the younger generation of Indonesia will become a development agent by joining the State-Owned Enterprises.

I see many Indonesian students abroad who excel. Their great potential to return and contribute in Indonesia is very high. This is also supported by global thinking and skills to accelerate the transformation that is currently being carried out in BUMN," said Erick Thohir, in Jakarta, Monday, October 9.

In line with the Minister of SOEs, Deputy for Human Resources, Technology, and Information, Tedi Bharata said companies in BUMN Group are currently working on various strategic projects in various sectors that require quality young personnel.

"We need quality young people to work together to advance Indonesia," said Tedi.

According to Tedi, this BUMN Career Day seminar is in line with the government program which has provided many scholarships to Indonesian students to study abroad, with the hope that after completing the study, they can return and contribute in the country.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Ambassador in London, Desra Percaya expressed his appreciation to Indonesian students in London.

"Many Indonesian students in London have very good achievements, this is certainly a big capital to contribute in Indonesia," he said.

Desra juga berharal BUMN Career Day bisa menjadi jembatan bagi mahasiswa Indonesia di UK untuk mendapatkan peluang karier yang menjanjikan di Tanah Air.

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