JAKARTA The Financial Services Authority (OJK) launched a new program titled Sibetas which is intended to strengthen Islamic financial literacy through the role of mothers in their community.
Head of the Department of Literacy, Financial and Communication Inclusion OJK Aman Santosa said the Sibetis Program was motivated by the Islamic financial literacy and inclusion index whose value was still low. In 2022 the level of Islamic financial literacy was 9.14 percent (previously 2019 was 8.93 percent).
The Islamic financial inclusion rate is 12.12 percent in 2022 (2019 inclusion index of 9.10 percent).
"To increase Islamic financial literacy and inclusion and by considering the important role that women have, OJK designed a series of programs to encourage the presence of the Sharia Financial Women Literacy Ambassador," he said in a written statement, Thursday, September 14.
According to Aman, his party will provide literacy training in a sustainable manner to the Key Opinion Leader (KOL) so that it can be distributed to the women's community.
"The SICANTICS program will focus on the lecturers' mothers, leaders and administrators of the taklim assembly, mosque administrators who with leadership and influence have a major influence on increasing Islamic financial literacy in the women's community," he said.
Aman hopes that the latest strategy launched by the authorities will provide education on Islamic financial products, briefing through the Islamic financial education Training of Trainers (ToT) and will be maintained in collaboration through the WhatsApp group.
"We will continue to oversee this community to be given information so as not to be trapped in illegal financial services," he stressed.
The launch of the SICANTIS program was carried out in mid-week Bandung, attended by the Head of OJK Regional 2 West Java Indarto Budiwitono, Head of the West Java Provincial Secretariat for Goods and Services Procurement, Gandjar Yudniarsa, and a number of related parties.
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