
JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin appreciates the synergy efforts of various stakeholders in supporting the increase in Islamic financial inclusion in Indonesia, one of which is through the digital innovation of Pospay Gold.

The Pospay Gold is the latest feature of digitally sharia-based physical gold trading. This feature is contained in the SuperApp Pospay.

Furthermore, Ma'ruf said, Pospay Gold's innovation in PT Pos' SuperApp application has added to the achievements of the world's world-class children, as well as enriching choices for people who prioritize sharia principles in investing.

Even so, Ma'ruf reminded PT Pos Indonesia together with Ministries/Agencies, Authorities, and relevant stakeholders to ensure the security and privacy of users in the development of technological innovation.

"People's trust must be maintained, must always carry out education and continue to increase public digital literacy massively, and supervise the implementation of regulations/policies accompanied by continuous improvements," he said in an online speech at the Sharia Economic Seminar, in Jakarta, written Thursday, August 24.

Therefore, according to Ma'ruf, collaboration is very important in presenting productive and competitive digital talents to overcome the gap between the needs of the digital industry and the availability of talents who meet competency criteria.

With this Pospay Gold, he hopes that it will be easier for the public to access digital gold physical trading in the futures commodity exchange supervised by BAPPEBTI, Ministry of Trade.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Pos Indonesia Faizal Rochmad Djoemadi revealed that Pos Indonesia will always carry out digital transformation. Especially on available services on the website and mobile apps of Pospay Superapp.

"We have added features to Superapp, namely Pospay Gold, which is a sharia-based gold trading, because it meets Islamic elements, not gambling, not usury, halal commodities, not in a way that is unable to deceive or deceive," he said.

"Not with interest but using fair sharing risk, not using excessive speculation, the physical gold is there and it is audited," he continued.

Faizal hopes that the presence of Pospay Gold in Superapp will provide options for the public to invest. He also hopes that this transformation can make PT Pos continue to last until later.

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