
YOGYAKARTA Some time ago, the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (KemenKop UKM) launched a platform for entrepreneur hubs. This platform is expected to be a medium of collaboration for various parties to develop entrepreneurship in Indonesia in order to grow established entrepreneurs with innovative and sustainable businesses. So, what is an entrepreneur hub? Here's the full review.

What is Entrepreneur Hub?

Adapted from the ehub page of the Coordinating Ministry for Cooperatives and Culture, the Entrepreneur Hub is an Indonesian entrepreneurial ecosystem platform so that entrepreneurship is easier.

This platform provides various information for entrepreneurship starting from looking for business ideas, managing and developing its business so that it will be easier to become an entrepreneur.

Launching VOI, Deputy for Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, Siti Azizah said, entrepreneur hubs are programs that are designed in an integrated and sustainable manner by involving various parties.

"Entrepreneur Hub is able to become a forum for collaboration from various parties who have the same vision and mission related to entrepreneurship development," said Azizah on Friday, May 12, 2023.

Azizah called the Entrepreneur Hub a breakthrough that can integrate the government (central and regional), universities, SOEs, the private sector, and communities/association into one program with the concept of resource sharing.

He added that the Entrepreneur Hub was formed to facilitate business actors, to be able to build and develop their business.

"This is in line with the direction of the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki to create one million new entrepreneurs in 2024 towards developed countries," he said.

Azizah hopes that the Entreprenuer Hub program can increase the number and role of stakeholders in entrepreneurship development.

"In the end, it will increase the number of entrepreneurial ratios in Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki said the Entrepreneur Hub was prepared to produce new innovative and technological entrepreneurs and start-ups.

"We are lucky, currently in Indonesia there are 2,600 start-ups and the sixth largest in the world. Indonesia has the best embryos to develop to produce quality start-ups to entrepreneurs," he said at the Road To Indonesia Startup Ecosystem Summit 2023 (ISES 2023) which was held in Solo on Friday, August 11, 2023.

Teten explained that the government has a target to increase the entrepreneurial ratio in Indonesia to 4 percent by 2024, from now on in the range of 3.47 percent.

"For that, it is necessary to have a platform that can bring together various larger ecosystems to encourage entrepreneurship ratios in Indonesia," said Teten.

For additional information, the Entrepreneur Hub platform has several functions, including as a one-stop service, which makes it easier for business actors to start and grow their business.

In addition, the Entrepreneur Hub is also used as an entrepreneurial data center that allows business actors to obtain treatment according to their needs.

The Entrepreneur Hub program also opens opportunities for MSMEs to consult with professional mentors online.

That's the information about what Entrepreneur Hub is. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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