JAKARTA - The government through President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has officially proposed state expenditures of IDR 3,304.1 trillion to the DPR for the period next year.
This was conveyed by the DPR Plenary Session as well as the submission of the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN) at the Senayan Parliament Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 16.
"State spending is allocated Rp3,304.1 trillion," he said on Wednesday, August 16.
The President detailed that the fiscal spending consisted of central government spending of Rp2,446.5 trillion.
"Meanwhile, for Transfers to Regions (TKD) it is Rp. 857.6 trillion," he said.
The head of state added that next year's APBN posture is targeting a primary balance of IDR 25.5 trillion which is driven towards positive.
On the other hand, state revenue is targeted at IDR 2,781.3 trillion.
This figure consists of tax revenues of IDR 2,307.9 trillion and Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) of IDR 473.0 trillion. Then, grants of 400 billion.
"The budget deficit is 2.29 percent GDP or IDR 522.8 trillion," said the President.
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