
JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono revealed the reason for choosing the Sukamahi Dam, Bogor, as the place for submitting the examination report (LHP) of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) on the 2022 Ministry of PUPR's financial statements.

Basuki said that the BPK really wanted the submission of the LHP to be carried out outside the office. According to him, this is actually good, because the public will know that the development carried out by the government is supervised by the BPK.

"I think it's good (the choice of the Sukamahi Dam). Actually, I invite the public as well, so that the public knows that our development is supervised by the BPK," said Basuki at the Sukamahi dam, Bogor, Tuesday, August 8.

He said, although the Ministry of PUPR looks familiar with BPK, it does not eliminate the role of BPK as an auditor.

BPK continues to assess the quality of development carried out by each ministry, including the Ministry of PUPR.

"So, don't think it's a joke, but follow this check on how the condition is. The choice is the closest and representative," said Basuki.

The Supreme Audit Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK-RI) gave an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) award to the Ministry of PUPR on the 2022 Financial Statements.

Member IV BPK RI Haerul Saleh said, this is a normal thing. Because, every ministry/institution must get an opinion on WTP.

"BPK RI provides a WTP opinion for the Ministry of PUPR. WTP is all your right. I personally congratulate PUPR who received the WTP opinion, hopefully it can be maintained," Haerul told reporters in the Bogor area, West Java, Tuesday, August 8.

Haerul Saleh said the Ministry of PUPR had received five WTP opinions and could serve as a model as good state financial manager for other ministries or institutions.

"At first I didn't believe (the Ministry of PUPR) could manage finances properly, but yesterday I got a lot of information that (it was true), then I had the best award and so on," he said.

BPK does not deny that the construction carried out by the Ministry of PUPR can be one of the proofs. For example, the Sukamahi Dam which is said to have succeeded in controlling the Jakarta floods.

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