
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi reported that it has deposited the Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax (PBBKB) in 2022 to 6 Provincial Governments, namely South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, and Gorontalo with a total value of IDR 1.9 trillion.

PBBB is a tax on the use of all types of liquid fuel or gas for motorized vehicles and heavy equipment.

In this case, Pertamina is subject to the PBBKB tariff for certain types of fuel (subsidies) & special types of fuel for assignments of 5 percent, the general type of fuel for transportation and the general industrial sector is 7.50%, the general type of fuel for the industrial sector is 1.29 percent, and the general type of fuel for mining and forestry is 6.75 percent.

Area Manager of Communication, Relations, and CSR of Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi, Fahrougi Andriani Sumampouw, said that Pertamina is a tax-abiding company.

In detail, Fahrougi explained that the highest PBBB deposit during 2022 was in South Sulawesi Province, which amounted to Rp. 824 billion, followed by Southeast Sulawesi Province of Rp. 382 billion, Central Sulawesi Province of Rp. 280.8 billion, North Sulawesi Province of Rp. 280.7 billion, Gorontalo Province of Rp. 89 billion, and finally West Sulawesi Province of Rp. 78 billion.

Fahrougi further added that Pertamina was present not only to distribute energy to the community, but also to regularly increase Regional Original Revenue (PAD) and indirectly participate in encouraging the progress of regional infrastructure.

"The high level of tax payments to the government certainly cannot be separated from the support of the community who always use Pertamina's superior fuel products, both subsidized and non-subsidized," continued Fahrougi.

Fahrougi also expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the people throughout the Sulawesi region who have chosen to use quality and environmentally friendly fuel oil (BBM) from Pertamina.

He hopes that public interest in using quality fuel such as the Pertamax Series and Dex Series will increase because it will have a direct impact on tax payments that can improve the development of the province area.

In line with that, PT Pertamina's Vice President for Corporate Communication (Persero), Fadjar Djoko Santoso, said Pertamina continues to educate the public to switch to using quality fuel and is more environmentally friendly. In line with that, the company develops superior products that are needed in accordance with technological developments.

"Produal innovation is carried out in a sustainable manner to meet consumer needs," said Fadjar.

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