This Is The Result Of The Sri Mulyani And DPR Meeting On The Discussion On The Preamble To The 2024 RAPBN
Photo: Capture The Youtube screen Of Bank Indonesia Commission XI DPR


JAKARTA Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani today attended the working meeting of Commission XI of the DPR with the agenda of making decisions regarding the Basic Assumptions in the Discussion of the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN).

During the meeting, the government and the DPR agreed with the results of the growth and inflation committee. The basic assumption for macroeconomics is 5.1 percent economic growth 5.7 percent year on year (yoy).

Then inflation of 1.5 3.5 percent, the rupiah exchange rate of Rp. 14,700 15,200 per US dollar, and the SBN interest rate of 10 years 6.49 6.91 percent.

Meanwhile, for the development target, it was agreed that the open unemployment rate was 5.0 5.7 percent, the poverty rate was 6.5 7.5 percent, the Gini ratio was 0.374 0.377, and the human development index was 73.99 74.02, as well as development indicators for the 105 108 farmer exchange rate and 107 110 fishermen exchange rate.

"We will also continue at the same time to conduct observational research on the latest economic developments, of course, to be able to continue to improve the accuracy of the various basic assumptions that will be used in the calculation of the 2024 RAPBN which will be submitted by the President on August 16," he said.

In addition, the meeting also agreed on the results of the state revenue committee. The government will increase the tax revenue ratio in the range of 9.92 10.2 percent by optimizing the implementation of Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations.

Then, the government will expand the tax base, optimize the tax potential of the economic downstream program, and optimize non-tax state revenues.

"The performance for state revenue, which has also conveyed the results with a slight correction from the upper and lower ranges, and we accept it in accordance with what has been agreed upon in the panja," he said.

Furthermore, the results of this work meeting agreement will be brought to the next discussion at the Working Meeting of the DPR Budget Agency.

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