
JAKARTA - Expert Staff to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) for Strategic Planning Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi said that reducing coal emissions is one of the road maps to clean energy.

The government has launched a net zero emissions (NZE) target by 2060 or sooner.

"The ROAD map already exists and we will certainly detail it again by preparing an annual plan like what and the most important outline, one of which is by reducing coal emissions," Yudo said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 8.

Furthermore, he mentioned other important stages with the use of new and renewable energy (EBT).

Indonesia has the potential for large energy sources such as solar, hydro, and geothermal.

In addition, which is no less important than reducing the energy used today.

"One thing that everyone can do in an effort to reduce energy consumption is with energy efficiency so that we can be more energy efficient, such as turning off air conditioning and lights when leaving the room. This change in behavior is an important thing in making the energy transition to NZE," said Yudo.

He explained that the energy transition in global understanding must also consider the main thing, namely maintaining the resilience of each energy, where energy resilience is not disrupted due to the shift in fossil energy into green energy.

"Energy transitions must also consider affordable prices so that energy prices must also be affordable by the community," he said.

He revealed that the government is currently making regulations for the use of clean energy and it is hoped that by 2023 it can be completed, namely the New Energy Renewable Law (UU EBET).

The law will be the main basis for Indonesia to be able to make a faster energy transition.

In addition, the existing regional energy general plan (RUED) policy will be revised to adapt to existing developments, both technology and policies such as the previously unexisting NZE 2060 target.

"We also see some of the new energy we need, for example, hydrogen as an alternative fuel in the future, then the ammonia that has not been utilized, we are also considering what we are still studying now to utilize nuclear but later we will see that because it is very special in handling it," said Yudo.

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